Let's introduce the Kodokan badge as a story related to judo.

Kodokan was founded by Jigoro Kano, who established judo as a modern sport. Jigoro Kano is also a member of the IOC and played a great role in the invitation of the phantom Tokyo Olympics (1940) mentioned last time. Without him, there probably wouldn't have been a successful bid for Tokyo.

Well, let's take a look at the badge.

It is a simple badge with a divine mirror shape and Hinomaru dyed with sciblet in the middle. It is a design that emphasizes Japanese tradition. On the other hand, if you look at the back side, "JUDO KODOKAN" and this is written in the alphabet for some reason. " I feel that the attitude of overseas spread of judo in a place that is not "Judo Kodokan".