Becoming Your Own Banker - The Infinite Banking Concept is a text for a ten-hour course of instruction about the power of dividend-paying whole life insurance. It is not a sales tool for life insurance agents. It is education that the life insurance industry should have taught during the last 200 years. Unfortunately, the industry has concentrated on the death benefit qualities of the contract and has neglected to adequately describe the financing capabilities that it presents for the policy owners. Ironically, life insurance companies must put premium income to work in various investments in order to pay the death claims. This book demonstrates that your need for finance, during your lifetime, is much greater than your need for protection. Solve for this need through this instrument and you will end up with more life insurance than the companies will issue on you. Most everyone is familiar with the fact that one can borrow from a whole life policy, but because of how little premiums they pay, there is limited access to money to finance major items needed during a lifetime. Yet, the need for financing for the typical person is extensive. Really, all this book adds to the equation is scale. The fact that the principles have been there all along and no one taught them to me makes me rather angry! Had I known them, life would have been much simpler and much more profitable. Someone should have recognized them and taught them long ago, but this didn't take place because of the mindset that predominates in the entire financial world. It is written for the layman, not for financial advisors, but all life agents should be thoroughly knowledgeable of its content and practice. Again, unfortunately, this is not the case. Very few of them have more than a rudimentary understanding of its qualities.