Book Description: George W. Bailey, A Private Chapter of the War. St. Louis: G. L. Jones, 1880, 271 pages. First Edition. 5” x 7”. Gilt titles on blue boards. Ex libris. Front cover badly scuffed and cloth split along spine, hinges cracked. Clean pages throughout including frontis portrait of Bailey. Fair copy over-all. The author was First Lieutenant, 6th Missouri Infantry and A.D.C. 2nd Division Staff, 15th Army Corps.  Bailey announces his intentions not to describe his entire experiences during the war but to present: “a limited inside view of a portion of the Confederacy within its military lines, as strictly observed by a ‘stray’ from the invading army in blue, whose experiences disclose the real political sentiments of fair examples of different classes who resided within the Confederacy during the war,--experiences, not of a spy, not of a scout, but of a harmless escaped prisoner of war.”