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Titolo: Eco STEAM: The Houses We Build
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9781526307866
ISBN: 9781526307866
Publisher: Wayland
Formato: Copertina rigida
Data di pubblicazione: 27/09/2018
Altezza: 271mm
Lunghezza: 212mm
Larghezza: 11mm
Peso: 406g
Autore: Georgia Amson-Bradshaw
Lingua: inglese
ISBN-10: 1526307863
Description: Cross-curricular series centred on sustainability and climate change, with hands-on projects linking science and design and technology. What are the problems and challenges we face around the world when it comes to the houses we live in? How can we build enough safe, comfortable and energy-efficient homes for everyone who needs them without contributing to climate change and habitat destruction? Interactive 'Solve It!' design challenges give readers the information they need to develop sustainable solutions to the problems discussed, and step-by-step 'Test It!' activities encourage them to explore putting principles into practice.
Paese di origine: GB
Serie: Eco STEAM
Genere: Children's Learning & Education
Title Format: Hardback
Tipo: Textbook
Anno di pubblicazione: 2018

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