Model number 093-0300-021. Serial number 0050905230.

Comes with soft carry case, however please note there is no zip mechanism on the zip so it can't be zipped up. Restrung about 2 years ago with accoustic elixir 12/53 light phosphor bronze nanoweb coated, but could benefit from a new set of strings. The top of the pick guard points up away from the body and I did not attempt to stick it back down, please see picture. I replaced the nut (the "bridge" between the neck and the machine heads). It is not glued but held in position by the tuned strings. The nut yields slightly high action and I did not attempt to lower the action by filing or sanding the nut. The machine head from the low E started to come away and I fixed the split with super glue which seems to have resolved the problem, please see picture. I'll try to answer any questions ASAP. Thanks for looking and all the best.