Dirty box and very dirty visible fabric! Who knows what horrors may lurk inside the box; many critters could have nestled inside for a while, without realizing. It’s also unknown if this blanket actually works correctly, or not!!

This still-in-box-never-been-used blanket has been neglected for years, collecting dust and dirt in the corner on the floor of a very cluttered room. But! It hasn’t been removed FROM its box! Just the part that was already sticking out, due to a manufacturing design choice, is well—sticking out. 🤣 So all kinds of elements got to it. Same for the outer box, as you can see in the photos. …But it isn’t as if you’re going to wrap the box around yourself for warmth, so the condition of the innards matter most.

Being sold as is! Please give it a lovely new home, and a good thorough cleaning!!!!!!🙏✨