Rogue Trader era Space Wolves space marine captain / commander with wolf head helmet and chainsword (likely a frostblade if you're playing 2nd edition and further). This miniature is from the 'big 4' captains release in the early 90s wherein unique leader miniatures were released for the major chapters of the time, and this was the first time that a Space Wolf and an Ultramarine and a Dark Angel and a Blood Angel would have obvious aesthetic differences sculpted into the miniature.

This is excepting 'Imperial Commander Leman Russ' who was the first official Space Wolves miniature. Whoever that is.

But this is the second! And a classic miniature it is, with its fierce pose, unique wolf helmet (to make sure the leader is the wolfiest on the field), savage animal totems and the chapter icon sculpted onto the pauldron, which is obscured by the raised arm.

The miniature is unpainted although there appears to be some white paint residue in recesses, which is likely old primer. You could easily just paint over those parts as they aren't obscuring any detail, but can be stripped off with isopropyl alcohol / Biostrip 20/ your chemical of choice and a brush or tooth pick, if you wanted to remove it.

No base is supplied.

Out of production for many years and a classic of both the Rogue Trader era and Second Edition, no vintage period Space Wolves collection is complete without Wolfy McWolf-Face.