
   27/36 Knots Pink Purple Smart Weighted Hula Hoop Adult Thin Fitness Weight Loss 

Produkt Beschreibung

Smart design: The fitness hula hoop is created from 27/36 detached sections which can be disassembled and adjust following your waist size. This smart hula hoop is suitable for use in the family to lose weight. This hula hoop is ideal exercise equipment for home use.
Safe and convenient material: The hula hoop fitness is made of high premiere ABS. It is light, comfortable, and safe to work out and can prevent any damage in using time.
Fit everyone: Workout by this weighted hula hoops for adults is the ideal choice for anyone who needs to lose weight and improve their body. All people from beginners to experts find this workout equipment easy to use. You can adjust the number of segments to fit the size of your waist.
Good choice for indoor exercise: This smart hula hoop is suitable for those who need to lose weight or belly fat. You can exercise anytime and anywhere, not restricted by location. The weighted hula hoops for adults have a soft gravity ball to sculpt your body. Perfect for home, office, travel, the beach, etc.
Pink Section 27 Knots
Purple Section 27 Knots
Purple Section 36 Knots
Gravity ball  200G
Colour: Pink/Purple
Type: Fitness Hoop
Material: ABS
Model: 27/36 Section Excercise Hula Hoop
Usage: Commercial Use, Home Use
Muscle Group: Abdominal
Indoor/Outdoor: Both
Sport/Activity: Gym & Training, Weight Lifting, Yoga
Features: Adjustable, Foldable, Non-Slip, Weighted
Package includes:
1 x Hula Hoop ( 27/36 Section )
1 × Gravity ball


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