Note* see last photo tear around boarder.

This title presents a ravishing selection of shunga by the first full-colour woodblock-print masters: Harunobu and Koryūsai. The prints used for this book are of a remarkable quality, their radiant colours perfectly preserved by the albums in which they were kept. The first volume in a series on erotic prints by famous Japanese woodblock-print artists, this book contains a detailed general introduction to the genre of shunga. In addition to a description of the historical and cultural settings of the prints, it focuses in particular on the locations and interiors where the erotic action takes place.About the Author:Inge Klompmakers is currently acquisitions editor for Hotei Publishing. She has worked for a number of years in Japanese art galleries and is the author of Of Brigands and Bravery. Kuniyoshi's Heroes of the Suikoden (1998). Klompmakers also contributed to Kawase Hasui: The Complete Woodblock Prints (2003) and The Hotei Encyclopedia of Japanese Woodblockprints (2005)

Shogun inspired .