Built by “Springwood Replicas” known for making high end Freddy glove replicas.

This is a 1985 part 2 Ultimate promo glove replica. Based on the way the hero looked during the promotional photography post film.

Each glove is meticulously crafted using the original screen template whenever possible. Employing the same methods and techniques utilized by prop experts four decades ago, I ensure that the same materials still in existence are incorporated into these masterpieces. In the event that a specific material is no longer available, it is either custom-made on-site or sourced from elsewhere.

Upon completion, rest assured that you will possess a replica that mirrors the authenticity of the original screen-used prop. Every detail, from bends to tool marks, scuffs, scratches, paint, and solder spills, is painstakingly replicated to perfection. If it's visible, it's meant to be there!

I take great pride in the process of bringing these pieces as close to the screen-used versions as possible. This dedication is what motivates me to continue this unique endeavor. Your satisfaction is guaranteed!

D. Kyrt Gates 🥂