Hill's Prescription Diet Canine I/D Low Fat Digestive Care Chicken - Dry Dog Food 

4kg Bag

A complete kibble with a reduced-fat recipe, ideal for dogs suffering from debilitating stomach problems. It is digestible and packed full of fibre to soothe the digestive system.

Vet Food Disclaimer

Help relieve your dog’s suffering from chronic or acute gastro-intestinal issues with this Hill's Prescription Diet Canine i/d Low Fat Digestive Care. It is easy to digest kibble with a reduced fat content and can not only help ease side effects but can also aid in reducing the chance of flare ups. It has been clinically proven to offer support in returning the digestion to full working order.

Hill's Prescription Diet Canine i/d Low Fat Digestive Care is the perfect way to ensure your dog still takes on enough nutrients if it is suffering from colitis or gastritis. Each ingredient has been chosen for its soothing properties for the digestion, including ginger root powder, which is known to reduce intestinal pain. This dish encourages your dog’s body to absorb key nutrients and strengthens immune function, while also offering valuable prebiotic fibre to ensure a pleasant intestinal environment. It is packed full of electrolyte and omega benefits, as well as having a good antioxidant level to promote your dog’s well-being.

Hill's Prescription Diet Canine i/d Low Fat Digestive Care at a glance:


Hill's™ Prescription Diet™ has a wide selection of clinically proven nutritional products that meet your pet's specific dietary needs. Hill's Evidence-Based Clinical Nutrition™ uses the most up-to-date scientific research evidence combined with clinical expertise to develop a range of diets that help alleviate your pet’s health issues.

Please consult your vet for further information and specific treatment options for your pet.

Brewer's rice, chicken- (9%) and turkey meal, maize gluten meal, protein hydrolysate, animal fats, dried beet pulp, linseeds, ground pecan nut shells, dried ginger, dried citrus fruit pulp, vitamins, dried cranberries, trace elements, beta-carotene.
With natural antioxidants [mixed tocopherols].

Additives per kg:
Nutritional additives:
Vitamin A (8480 IU), vitamin D3 (715 IU), vitamin E (634mg), vitamin C (100mg), beta-carotene (0.8mg), iron [ferrous-(II)-sulphate monohydrate] (68.1mg), iodine [calcium iodate] (1.7mg), copper [copper chelate of glycine hydrate] (6.7mg), manganese [manganous-(II)-oxide] (7mg), zinc [zinc chelate of glycine hydrate] (119mg), selenium (0.2mg).
With natural antioxidants [mixed tocopherols].

Complementary wet food ingredients:
Liver, rice, pork, maize, dried whole egg, linseeds, dried beet pulp, oat fibre, minerals, protein hydrolysate, vegetable oil, ginger root powder, vitamins, trace elements, taurine, L-carnitine.

Complementary wet food additives per kg:
Nutritional additives:
Vitamin D3 (250 IU), iron (9.2mg), iodine (0.4mg), copper (1.6mg), E5 manganese (2.7mg), zinc (38.6mg), selenium (0.06mg).
Technological additives:
Coloured with iron oxide.

Analytical constituents

protein22.9 %
fat7.8 %
fibre2.6 %
ash5.3 %
calcium0.73 %
phosphorus0.57 %
magnesium0.09 %
potassium0.89 %
sodium0.32 %
omega-3 fats0.7 %
Feeding Recommendation:

For adult dogs.
The recommended feeding amounts are only guidelines and should be adapted to suit the individual needs of your pet to ensure that it maintains an ideal body weight. Please ensure that your pet always has plenty of fresh water available.
Seek your vet’s advice if you are unsure or if you are feeding Hill's Prescription Diet to a puppy or young dog.
Please make sure your dog always has fresh water available.
When feeding for the first time, mix increasing amounts of your pet's new food with decreasing amounts of the old food over a 7-day period.


Dog’s weightDaily amount g/day
50kg+12g per kg

Feeding recommendation for Wet + Dry food

Dog's weightTins/day and dry food
2.5kg1/2 + 15g
5kg1/2 + 60g
10kg1 + 85g
20kg1 + 215g
30kg2 + 225g
40kg2 + 330g