This hardback book titled "Air Force Way of War" by Brian D. Laslie is a fascinating read for anyone interested in the tactics and training methods used by the United States Air Force after the Vietnam War. Published in 2015 by The University Press of Kentucky, this book is a must-have for military historians and enthusiasts alike. It has a weight of 556g, a height of 236mm, a width of 162mm, and a depth of 26mm.

The book is written in English and has an ISBN-10 of 0813160596. It is in excellent condition and has not been modified in any way. The University Press of Kentucky has done a fantastic job with the publication, making it a great addition to any bookshelf. Get your copy today and explore the Air Force Way of War.

Please note that this is an ex-library book, purchased (as many of our books are) from a military base in the UK.  Please expect usual stickers/stamps associated with ex-library books, and as per the photos included. Inside, the book is in very good, clean condition. There is a little sticker residue on the spine of the book which could be removed relatively easily.

Free tracked postage via Royal Mail included.