The mighty Bran Carnoth! Warrior of antiquity, cast into the fiery pit. Half man, half gigantic centipede, this titan of muscle and chitin brings fear into the mortal and immortal, for few can stand against him in combat and hope to live.

This superb sculpt is new in packet and full of wonderful detail, from the dynamic, coiled pose, striking into a downward cleave or charge, to the torn chainmail, or Bran's roaring expression.

Bran Carnoth also makes a superb Daemon Prince or Great Unclean One for Nurgle armies, he's also usable as a Herald, but his dark and imposing presence make him a centerpiece miniature, a hulking, unholy warrior, darkly changed by the fickle whims of the daemon gods. This is an excellent interpretation of the disease and decay that Nurgle represents, as well as the despair he feeds on; here is a creature more than mortal, yet made one with a filthy, unclean beast.

There is also use for Slaanesh devotees as a Bran Carnoth painted fleshy or with a black, pink or purple carapace would fit closely to both the serpentine aspect that Slaanesh champions sometimes have, as well as the more classic Realm of Chaos insectoid influence.

No longer supplied by the manufacturer, don't miss your chance to collect this unique miniature!