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Fantetti, Cesare (1660-1740) und Raphael (1483-1520):
Jakob's Flucht / Jacob's escape.

Rom, Rubeis 1674.

Blattmasse: 36,5 cm x 47,5 cm, Plattenmasse: 24,5 cm x 27,5 cm. -- Seltene Original Radierung von Cesare Fantetti (1660-1740) nach Raphael (1483-1520) -- gut erhalten. // Rare original etching by Cesare Fantetti (1660-1740) after Raphael's (1483-1520) biblical painting for the second loggia of the Vatican Palace, executed in 1518-1519. The paintings belong to the grand fresco sequences that mark the High Renaissance in Rome, called also Raphael's Bible. -- in very good condition.

Bestell-Nr: 178279

Many more antique maps and prints on our site antiquariat-voelkel.

Viele weitere alte Landkarten, Ansichten und Graphiken auf unser eigenen Seite antiquariat-voelkel.


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