This vintage Märklin HO SK 846/4J passenger train from 1956 is a beautiful addition to any model railroad collection. The train features a multicolor design made of tin and diecast materials, with an analog control system and a 3-rail-3-conductor rail system. This C-7 excellent grade train also comes with a light function, adding to its authenticity. Made in Germany, this vintage train is a must-have for any train enthusiast. Whether you're a collector or just looking for a unique piece to add to your model railroad, this Märklin train is sure to impress. Don't miss out on the opportunity to own a piece of history and add this beautiful passenger train to your collection.

The above description was done by Ebay AI and is OK! But not my normal way of describing my offerings. I will go back to what I feel has served me better when describing my offerings.

Regards - Fred Reingard