Classic Western Heroes 3 Pack (DVD, 2004, 3-Disc Set) Kirk Douglas, Errol Flynn.  Used in very good condition see pictures sold as is.

The Big Trees
Corrupt Wisconsin lumberman Jim Fallon (Kirk Douglas) travels to Northern California at the dawn of the 20th century in order to gain control of a tract of redwood forest. Fallon's underhanded tactics stir resentment from everyone, including settler Elder Bixby (Charles Meredith) ; his beautiful daughter, Alicia (Eve Miller) ; Fallon's fair-minded employee, Yukon Burns (Edgar Buchanan) ; and his right-hand man, Frenchy LeCroix (John Archer) -- and his cheating ways create unlikely bedfellows.

Santa Fe Trail
After graduating from West Point, Jeb Stuart and George Custer are both stationed to Fort Leavenworth in Kansas. Once there, they find that the violent abolitionist John Brown has laid waste to the state, killing anyone who gets in the way of his anti-slavery crusade. While the duo must work together to battle the murderous revolutionary, they also come to blows over their competing love for Kit Carson Holliday..

Vengeance Valley
Adopted by the wealthy rancher Arch Strobie, orphan Owen Daybright (Burt Lancaster) grows to be a respectable foreman on Strobie's ranch. Strobie's natural son, Lee (Robert Walker), is jealous of Owen and finally finds a way to undermine his upstanding brother. When Lee conceives an illegitimate child with Lily Fasken (Sally Forrest), who refuses to name him as the father, he tells her revenge-minded brothers that Owen is to blame, hoping they'll take his half-brother out of the picture.

The Outlaw
The life of legendary outlaw Billy the Kid, including his partnership with Doc Holliday and his clashes with lawman Pat Garrett. The film was notorious in its day because of producer/director Howard Hughes concentration on newcomer Jane Russell's cleavage, and national release in America was delayed by some years.

Rage At Dawn
Private detective James Barlow (Randolph Scott) is sent to Indiana to infiltrate the ranks of the four Reno Brothers (Denver Pyle, Forrest Tucker, J. Carrol Naish, Myron Healy), a gang running roughshod over luckless locals. After attracting the Renos' attention with a staged train robbery, Barlow gets in deeper when he strikes up a romance with their sister, Laura (Mala Powers). Gradually, Barlow devises a strategy to set the brothers up for ambush in another train robbery.

Abilene Town
Homesteaders battle cattlemn in post-Civil War Abilene, a town that's growing faster than its citzens can handle. Marshall Dan Mitchell(Randolph Scott) tries to keep the peace. A fast-paced frontier drama with lots of action and a few surprises. With Edgar Buchanan and Lloyd Bridges. 

Blue Steel
Blue Steel is a 1934 Western (genre) film in which John Wayne plays a U.S. Marshal who is trying to capture the Polka Dot Bandit, who has taken off with $4,000

The Painted Desert 
A tungsten miner (Bill Boyd) loves his father's rival's daughter (Helen Twelvetrees) and fights off her other suitor (Clark Gable).

Sing Cowboy Sing
Kalmus is after the freight contract held by Summers. When his gang kill Summers, Tex and Duke step in to help Madge keep the freight line going. When they foil the gang's further attempts, Kalmus gets the Judge to jail the two.

My Pal Trigger
Horse trader Roy Rogers has plans to breed his prize mare with legendary stallion Golden Sovereign. Unfortunately, scheming nightclub owner Brett Scoville (Jack Holt) has his eye on the same stud and steals the horse. Sovereign breaks free, however, and mates with Rogers's mare, eventually producing a spirited colt that Rogers names Trigger. When Sovereign is accidentally killed, Rogers is blamed for the crime, and he and Trigger must escape the law and track down the real killer.