• Dethlac Insect Killer Spray 250ml X 2
  • Kills ants, woodlice, cockroaches and other crawling insects
  • Dethlac is a unique lacquer - you don't spray the insect, you spray your surfaces
  • Once sprayed, Dethlac dries to a hard clear film, which remains fully effective for months, even when it rains or if the surface is washed with detergents
  • Dethlac, an Ant & Insecticidal Lacquer, probably the best ant killer on the market, is celebrating its 59th year, having sold millions of cans to our loyal customers throughout the UK
  • Dethlac is a unique lacquer that kills ants, cockroaches, woodlice and other crawling insects
  • Simply spray onto window sill or frame, skirting board or any non-absorbent surface which will be coated with a pesticide that will kill insects for months
  • Flying ants can be eliminated by spraying on surface before take-off
  • Dethlac can be used indoors and outdoors and may be applied on any firm non-absorbent surface i.e. doors
  • window frames (not uPVC), skirting boards, shelves, concrete and patios
  • Warning: Home insect killer. Contains 0.02% w/w deltamethrin. Harmful to aquatic organisms. Irritant. Extremely flammable
  • HSE 6891. Always read label. Keep children and pets away from treated area until dry