Speechless (Harlequin Teen) von Hannah Harrington

Art Nr.: 0373210523
ISBN 13: 9780373210527
B-Nr: INF1000404108
ReleaseYear: 2012
Published by: INKYARD PR
Cover: Taschenbuch
Cover Format: 208x136x25 mm
Pages: 288
Weight: 306 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Hannah Harrington

Gebraucht - Sehr gut SG - leichte Beschädigungen oder Verschmutzungen, ungelesenes Mängelexemplar, gestempelt, Versand Büchersendung

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Everyone knows that Chelsea Knot can't keep a secretUntil now. Because the last secret she shared turned her into a social outcast-and nearly got someone killed.Now Chelsea has taken a vow of silence-to learn to keep her mouth shut, and to stop hurting anyone else. And if she thinks keeping secrets is hard, not speaking up when she's ignored, ridiculed and even attacked is worse.But there's strength in silence, and in the new friends who are, shockingly, coming her way-people she never noticed before a boy she might even fall for. If only her new friends can forgive what she's done. If only she can forgive herself.