Pakon Kodak F-135 Plus scanner

The legendary Pakon scanner - the superior, harder-to-find Plus version. Scans an entire uncut roll of negs in minutes, gives amazing results with minimal tweaking.

Tested today and successfully scanned several different rolls of film. Got it up-and-running in VirtualBox with the only snag being needing to disable the DX sensor (via a registry edit) to get it to work. Most users disable this anyway to allow them to scan B&W film. However, it does mean that this scanner either has a dusty or faulty DX sensor. The main impact of this (as far as I can tell) is it won’t automatically number the frames, but it is trivial to set frame numbers. It still does great image scans and there were no artefacts on the images indicating a dusty main sensor. Message me if you want an example scan from today.

The plastic on outside has yellowed from age.


These are very old (according to a stamp on the motherboard, this was manufactured in 2003) and can be very fiddly to setup. The software is not user-friendly. You’ll need to be comfortable with things like VirtualBox and registry editor to get this running (there’s apparently a Windows 10/11 version of the software available from a member of the public, but I haven’t tested it). Most of your support and troubleshooting will have to be from a (admittedly helpful) Facebook group or other forums. This is not a “plug and play” device, this is old hardware that can be difficult to use. If you are uncomfortable with any of these, please do not bid. I cannot offer tech support to help you get it running. I also cannot offer returns if this develops any hardware issues. It’s over 20 years old and the best I can do is check functionality at time of sale, which I have done.

Please get in touch if you have any questions!