Comic Stories: Betrayal, Part 1 of 4, Betrayal, Part 2 of 4, Betrayal, Part 3 of 4, Betrayal, Part 4 of 4, Princess... Warrior, Part 1 of 2, Princess... Warrior, Part 2 of 2, The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell, Part 1 of 2, The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell, Part 2 of 2, What Sin Loyalty?, The Savage Heart, A Little Piece of Home, Part 1 of 2, A Little Piece of Home, Part 2 of 2, Target: Vader, Alone Together, Idiot's Array, Part 1 of 2, Idiot's Array, Part 2 of 2, The Price of Power

This volume collects Star Wars: Empire Comics

First Edition - First Printing