An original Egypt War Medal pair awarded to a Domestic who served with the Royal Navy and who had the very unusual rank of Commanders Servant on HMS Minotaur.

The medals were awarded to Robert Freeman who came from London and who later died during his service on Malta.

The Egypt Medal is dated 1882 and is correctly named as follows:


The Khedives Star is dated 1882

The medal is confirmed on the medal rolls.

Robert was born in London on 26th October 1856.

He enlisted into the Royal Navy on 16th November 1871 with the rank of Domestic 3rd Class.  Prior to enlistment he had been a servant.  

Robert served on numerous ships including HMS Minotaur from 19th August 1880 to 5th May 1886.

The 1881 Census shows Robert serving on HMS Minotaur as a Ward Room Servant aged 24 and having been born in London

He served until 9th December 1903 when he was 'discharged died' in Malta from heart and kidney disease. At the time he was serving on HMS Montague and he had reached the rank of Domestic 1st Class.

Robert was 47 when he died and he is buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery in Malta.  His wife erected a gravestone for him.

Please see photos for overall condition.

Copies of the medal rolls, census details and other documents shown above can be e-mailed to the purchaser of the medals if required.

Please let me know if you need any additional photos or information.

Pleases see my other listings.

Thanks and kind regards.