Own a Piece of History: Certified Authentic NGC, GAUL NEMAUSUS Augustus & Agrippa AE Dupondius Coin and a Mark Antony legionary Denarius! Includes Free Gift with Purchase.

Let me tell you about the history of the coins.

Nemausus was an important city in the Roman province of Gaul, and the coin’s imagery is heavily symbolic. On one side, it features the back-to-back heads of Augustus and his ally and best friend Agrippa. Augustus is depicted with the laurel crown, symbolic of his status as emperor, while Agrippa wears the combined rostral crown and laurel wreath, indicating his naval and military achievements.

The Symbolism on the Coin

The other side of the coin displays a crocodile chained to a palm tree, with a palm wreath above and the inscription “COL NEM,” short for Colonia Nemausus. This imagery commemorates the Roman victory over Egypt, specifically the defeat of Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC, a pivotal event that solidified Augustus’s power. The crocodile represents Egypt, and the palm tree symbolizes victory. The chain suggests subjugation and control.

Usage and Circulation

The coin itself is an AE Dupondius, typically a bronze coin. During the Roman Empire, such coins were commonly used for daily transactions and played a vital role in the local and provincial economies. As you can see on this coin, it’s been worn down by all the transactions throughout history. The minting of this coin in a provincial city like Nemausus highlights the extent of Roman influence and the integration of local economies into the imperial system.

Archaeological and Historical Importance

This coin is not just a piece of currency but also an artifact that offers insights into the political and cultural landscape of its time. It reflects the propaganda efforts of the Roman state to emphasize its stability and triumphs under Augustus’s rule.

Coins like the GAUL NEMAUSUS Augustus & Agrippa AE Dupondius are highly valued by collectors and historians alike, as they represent a tangible connection to the Roman Empire’s past, illustrating both its reach and its complex relationships with the regions it governed.

Recommend watching this video to learn more about Augustus: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Ddt2tXmHuK80&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjrvr7e7uyFAxWhEFkFHcFsDYcQtqQMegQIExAB&usg=AOvVaw1UTWHllpbQOZq0zTmUX4_Z

Mark Antony legionary denarius:

The Legionary denarius issued by Mark Antony holds historical significance in the context of the Roman Republic’s civil war era. During this time, Mark Antony, along with Octavian (later Emperor Augustus), and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus formed the Second Triumvirate in 43 BC to stabilize Rome’s political situation.

To pay his troops, Antony issued denarii featuring various military themes. These Legionary denarii were struck in the Eastern mint cities like Ephesus, Philippi, and Patrae. The obverse depicted a galley (warship) and the reverse featured military standards, a symbol of the legions. These coins symbolized Antony’s loyalty to his troops and his commitment to the military cause.

The civil war culminated in the Battle of Actium in 31 BC, where Antony and Cleopatra were defeated by Octavian’s forces. This victory marked the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire under Octavian, who later became Emperor Augustus. and that’s where the Mark Antony denarius and GAUL NEMAUSUS Augustus And Agrippa AE Dupondius, tie in together!

Seize the opportunity to add these historically significant coins to your collection and own a piece of the great Roman Empire! This coin ships via USPS Priority Mail to ensure it reaches you securely and swiftly.

Rest assured, all coins are certified authentic for life. In the highly improbable event that a certified professional/well respected museum, deems this coin not authentic, we will issue a refund. Your investment in history is completely protected.