Flame Lily Gloriosa Superba Glory Vine Climbing Fire Lily Exceptional Beauty


The Flame Lily (Gloriosa superba) is a tropical climbing plant known for its striking, flame-like flowers. Here are some key details about the Flame Lily:

Scientific Name: Gloriosa superba.
Common Names: Flame Lily, Glory Lily, Climbing Lily.
Origin: Native to Africa and Asia.
Growth Habit: Climbing vine with tendrils.
Flowers: Distinctive, flame-shaped, red or orange flowers with yellow tips.
Foliage: Glossy green leaves with tendrils for climbing support.
Use: Often grown as an ornamental plant.
Growing Conditions: Requires well-drained soil and a sunny location.
Hardiness: Suitable for tropical and subtropical regions.
Propagation: Can be propagated from seeds or by dividing rhizomes.
Care: Regular watering, support for climbing, and protection from frost.
Conservation Status: In some areas, the plant is threatened due to habitat loss.

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