New Testament
Of Our
Lord And Saviour
Jesus Christ

Translated Out Of The Greek
And With The Former Translations Diligently Compared And Revised
By His Majesty's Special Command
Appointed To Be Read In Churches

With 15 Colored Pictures
Of The Holy Land

Published By Pocket Testament League
133 Witherspoon Building , Philadelphia , PA

Printed in England at the Oxford University Press
London , by Humphrey Milford
circa 1925

Undated, however this is a circa 1925 printing.

Flexible Hardcover.
Full Leather binding.
Textured brown leather.
" Oxford Binding " and " Silk Sewed " ( stated on the inside of the covers )
Gilt page edges.
Color-coated endpapers.
Publisher's original silk bookmark.

Small, Pocket-sized Binding ; 2 1/2" x 4"

612 pages, plus color plates plus additional material.

Around 100 years old.

Early 1900s pocket-sized New Testament

King James Version ( Authorized Version )

Published by The Pocket Testament League , " a movement for enlisting people of all ages and classes in all lands to read at least one chapter in God's Word daily ; and to carry a Testament or Bible with them."

The Pocket Testament League was originated in Birmingham , England , in 1893, by Helen Cadbury ( 1877 - 1969 ), in an effort to win her classmates to Jesus Christ.
Later she became Mrs. Helen Alexander , wife of American evangelist Charles McCallon Alexander ( 1867 - 1920 ).
Alexander had been associated with the prominent evangelist Dwight L. Moody , and his experience in worldwide evangelism gave huge impetus to the League.
In the WWI years The Pocket Testament League gave out New Testaments to soldiers in England.
During the Great Depression in the United States , members of the League shared Gospels through the Civilian Conservation Corps in the American South and throughout New England in the North. The CCC was a government-organized effort to put jobless men to work on public projects.

Billy Graham encouraged the League, commenting :
" I am completely sold on the work of The Pocket Testament League, and continue to pray for those associated with it."

Today The Pocket Testament League still prints small, pocket-sized Gospels of John in many languages , and partners with local Bible Societies for accurate Bible translations , sending God's Word around the world.

This Testament includes 15 Color Illustrations , showing scenes in Jerusalem and the Holy Land.

Also includes :

" Pocket Testament League Membership Card"
( with name & address of the original owner )

" Suggestions For Members "
( " Use your Bible or New Testament to show others the way of life ." etc., etc. )

" The Way Of Salvation ; A Guide "
( " For those who desire to accept Christ as their Saviour and for those who wish to show others the Way Of Life .")

Hymn ( lyrics & music ) " Carry Your Bible "

Hymn ( lyrics & music ) " Jesus Is A Friend Of Mine "

" Origin & Aims of The Pocket Testament League "

" My Decision ; Believing that the Lord Jesus Christ died for me " ( etc. )
( this has the handwritten name of the original owner , " Clarice J. Whittenberg " ; see Condition details below )


Wear to the binding. Wear at the edges of the leather covers.
The covers remain well attached.
Partial loss of the gilt on the page edges.
There is some old wax at the lower part of the front cover ( maybe the original owner was reading this Testament by the light of a candle ? )
( see the photos )
Name on the " Membership " page and " My Decision " page : " Clarice J. Whittenberg , 720 So. Pasfield St., Springfield , Illinois "
No other writing.
No markings.
The pages are in good condition.
The original silk bookmark is detached but present.

Carefully packed for shipment to the buyer.