This is a handmade Navajo wedding basket with a rare Sweetgrass design and loop for hanging purposes. The basket measures 12 inches in diameter and 3 inches in depth. It is a traditional Native American craft made by the Navajo tribe. The provenance or ownership history is not available, but it is a unique collectible item that represents the Native American culture.

Navajo baskets often havetraditional designs that use the colors red, white, and black to symbolizedifferent things:

Color Meaning

  • White: Represents birth and the earth
  • Black: Represents darkness, struggle, pain, clouds, and sacred mountains
  • Red: Represents marriage, joy, happiness, rainbows, and the sun's rays
  • Black coil in center represents the entrance of the first people from the sacred unknown void, the womb of the Great Spirit, or Father/Mother of all creation.

Sweetgrass, or Hierochloe odorata, is a sacredmedicine used by Indigenous people in North America for ceremonies, ritualcleansing, and to represent healing, strength, and resilience. It symbolizes the connection betweenhumans and the earth and sky.