Barbieri BBS Densy 150 densitometer.

The Barbieri BBS Densy 150 is a densitometer, a device used to measure the density of photographic or printed materials. Specifically, it measures optical density, which is crucial in evaluating the quality and consistency of prints.

The densitometer helps in assessing various aspects of prints, such as:

  1. Colour Accuracy: It measures the density of different colour patches to ensure accurate reproduction.

  2. Consistency: By comparing densities across different prints or within the same print, it helps maintain consistency in output.

  3. Calibration: Densitometers aid in calibrating printers by assessing the density levels of inks to achieve the desired print quality.

  4. Quality Control: They are essential in quality control processes for print production, ensuring that the output meets certain standards.

The BBS Densy 150 likely had specific features and capabilities designed for its era, but general functions of a densitometer include a light source, a sensor, and software to interpret the data. These devices are commonly used in the printing industry to maintain print quality and consistency.

Not a lot changed in this technology