The Nokia 3310, equipped with custom firmware and upgraded LED lights in three vibrant colors, presents an exceptional phone in excellent condition. This iconic device, renowned for its durability, has been enhanced with a modified software to provide a modernized user experience while retaining its classic charm.

With its robust build quality and reliable performance, the Nokia 3310 remains an enduring symbol of reliability and resilience. The modified software introduces new functionalities and features that augment the phone's usability, elevating it beyond its original capabilities. Whether you're a nostalgic enthusiast or a tech-savvy individual seeking a unique device, this Nokia 3310 offers the perfect blend of nostalgia and modernity.

The LED lights, meticulously replaced with a stunning array of three captivating colors, add a touch of personalization and flair to the phone. From vivid red to mesmerizing blue and vibrant yellow, these LEDs provide a visually appealing experience that complements the phone's distinctive design. Whether it's a call, a message, or a notification, the LED lights will illuminate with your colors, making each interaction a delightful visual treat.

This modified Nokia 3310 combines the best of both worlds: the unrivaled durability and simplicity of the original device, now infused with upgraded software and captivating LED lights. It stands as a testament to the everlasting charm and adaptability of this iconic phone, ready to accompany you on your daily adventures while adding a touch of individuality to your mobile experience.

The package contains:
New battery and the phone.

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