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Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514):
"Babilonia seu Babilon" (Blatt XXV) - Babylon Irak Iraq Babel Holzschnitt woodcut Liber Chronicarum / Weltchronik

Augsburg 1497.

Sehr seltenes Original-Blatt aus der kleinen Schedel'schen Weltchronik. Gedruckt von Johann Schönsperger in Augsburg im Jahre 1497. Die Schönsperger Ausgabe ist weitaus seltener als die Koberger Ausgaben aus dem Jahre 1493. -- Blattmasse: ca. 27 x 18,5 cm. -- untere Außenecke angerändert, sonst gut erhalten. || Very rare original incunable leaf from Hartmann Schedel's Liber Chronicarum from 1497. -- From the very rare Johann Schönsperger edition printed in Augsburg in 1497. This Augsburg edition is smaller in size and more rare than the Nuremberg editions by Koberger of 1493. Hartmann Schedel's world chronicle is the most profusely illustrated incunable. Latin scholars refer to it as Liber Chronicarum (Book of Chronicles) as this phrase appears in the index introduction of the Latin edition. English-speakers have long referred to it as the Nuremberg Chronicle after the city in which it was first published. German-speakers refer to it as Die Schedelsche Weltchronik (Schedel's World History) in honour of its author. -- lower outer corner backed, otherwise in good condition. || Dies ist ein Original! - Kein Nachdruck! - Keine Kopie! -- This is an original! - No copy! - No reprint!

Bestell-Nr: 186675

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