To the northeast of the plains of Avagddu, at the heart of the forest of Caer Maed, lives a clan that is feared by all.

A very long time ago all Kelts were united. Alas, Cernunnos, the High King of Kel-An-Tiraidh, one day became the victim of divine machinations and left for other horizons. His people split in two: those who wished for peace remained faithful to Danu and became the Sessairs. The others shunned the names of the gods and also left in search of the only true king of the human tribes. Thus was born the terrifying clan of the Drunes.

Having found refuge in their troglodytic city of Drun Aeryfh, the Drunes have an unfailing determination. They will know neither rest nor hope as long as they haven’t found Cernunnos again and haven’t drowned the gods in the blood of their hounds.

This miniature is metal, part assembled.

A masterful sculpt from the line of Rackham's Confrontation! The Hound of Scatach is a hulking beast of muscle and slavering jaws. It bounds forward toward its prey on forelegs as thick as tree trunks, hungering for fresh meat and thirsting for hot blood. It is a beast made from sacrifice, given life by the ritual murder, dismemberment and mutilation, the lifesblood bringing this demonic, unnatural beast to evil life.

Excellent as the demonic summoning of an evil barbarian clan, The Hound of Scatach works perfectly in a tribal faction like Warriors of Chaos or Chaos Marauders, or Darkoath. It could be used as a Chaos Spawn, a Greater Spawn, a Karank substitute, a Juggernaut of Khorne, a daemonic mount for a hero, perhaps even something more abstract like a counts as Chaos Giant or a Daemon Prince.

The gory, grisly details of the part flayed corpse and the inhuman amount of muscle this bestial monster possesses also makes it ideal for Flesh Eater Courts as an alternative Varghulf or perhaps an Infernal Courtier, if not an overly muscular Crypt Horror. The snarling, fanged face of the creature lends itself very well to being a devolved Strigoi who has embraced its most bestial form. As such, this miniature could also easily be used in an undead or Vampire Counts themed army, particularly one based around the barrows dead or cannibalistic ghoul tribes.

Lastly, of course, this miniature would make a terrifying beast to face in any RPG, and entire campaigns could be devoted from preventing an evil trube from summoning it, and the horrible consequences of if they succeed.

Out of production for years, this miniature is an ideal addition to any collection.