This miniature is new in packet and not painted or assembled. The painted images are for display purposes. German cards included.

Tanath, the Young Horned One is a shaman and ceremonial leader of the Kelts of the Sessair clan. He dons a horned mask in honour of their horned god of the hunt, drapes a cloak inscribed with sacred runs, and bears primitive pick weapons of sacred flint and other stone, magically charged rock alike that of the Ogham stones, standing monuments of mystic power infused by spirits and the gaze of the Kelt gods. Out of battle, Tanath conducts rituals for the wellbeing of the clan and the upholding of their culture, ensuring the blessings of the spirits for the seasons as they come. In battle, he wields the might of the spirits, invoking their fury against the foes of the clan, chanting magical rites and infusing himself and his brethren with the power of their ancient ancestors.

Tanath is a mysterious and detailed sculpt, intimidating and savage. As well as being a relic from the Confrontation range, this miniature makes for a great Warhammer Empire Amber Wizard, i.e. one who channels the Lore of Beasts. Amber Wizards shun civilisation and prefer the wilds, cultivating a wild look of a shaman, making this a perfect fit; the ram skull is also a nice nod in this direction.
Likewise, the barbaric look lends itself to that of a Warhammer Marauder Shaman, or Darkoath Shaman for Age of Sigmar players, essentially a Chaos Sorcerer steeped in the barbaric trappings of the tribes. Tanath could also work well as a druid character for RPGs, if not a shaman or cult leader, but it's up to you if he is good, evil or somewhere between. He'd also work well as a shaman or male witch in Frostgrave.

Out of production for years, this sculpts makes a great addition to any collection, be it on the tabletop or in the display cabinet, and are an especial treat for painters.