NCS Game Synopsis
December 11, 2008
Chocobo's friend Shido (Cid) is a masterful writer who has created a world with words and pictures that children around the world are enamored with. While working on his latest work "
Aruvanika," Shido falls victim to a mysterious illness that leaves him unable to write. After some commiserating, Chocobo and a new friend named Shirma determine that Shido's affliction is being caused by turmoil in the realm of Fairy Tales. To get Cid back on his feet and writing again, Chocobo and Shirma venture into Fairy Tale land for some answers.

   In addition to the main Chocobo adventure, a large number of mini-games may also be enjoyed including one where Chocobo literally bounces off walls, simple puzzles games, thought-provoking exercises, and a game that's sort of like reverse Puzzle Bobble where bubbles must be collected instead of popped.

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