Discover the world of herbs with the HERB MASTER Complete Herbal Reference Library. This CD-ROM, released in 2003 by ACR, is a valuable tool for those interested in education, language, and reference. The software is compatible with computers and tablets and is a must-have for anyone seeking comprehensive knowledge of herbs. Explore the library's vast collection of information on the Herb Master brand, including details on the type and format of the CD. This software is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge of herbs without having to worry about the condition of the CD.The complete salad recipe CD-ROM resourceProduct InformationThe "HerbMaster" is the most comprehensivelibrary of herbs minerals vitamins and natural healing techniques on CD-ROM. It contains more photos illustrations powerful features and cross-referencedlinks than any other herbal reference software.Whenever you are feeling under theweather or just wanting to cook up something healthy imagine how convenient itwould be to have split-second access to over 2500 herbs minerals andvitamins and over 3000 recipes formulas and tinctures at your fingertips.It's like having access to the greatest natural health experts of our time anytime you want to explore a library of healthy living. These have all beencross-referenced in a manner that gives you instant access to high-qualityinformation.Product Features Over 2500 Recipes Tinctures and Formulas More that 40 Expert Commentaries and Works Full-color Illustrations Over 12000 Cross-Reference Links Powerful Customization Tool 10 Easy Search Methods Export Save and Print User-Friendly Interface Important! The herbs formulasremedies and recipes contained within this library are not to be considered assubstitutes for proper medical care. If you are sick you should consult aphysician. If you are currently taking medication you may wish to consult yourphysician regarding the use of any of these herbs formulas remedies andrecipes.Windows Requirements Windows 98 Me 2000 XP CD-ROM drive