Leitz Ergo Cosy Adjustable Mouse Wrist Rest 64830085

The Leitz Ergo Cosy Mouse Wrist Rest is the perfect wrist pad to help create a comfortable workspace. Keeping wrist postures straight to prevent aches and pains, it is the ideal wrist support to maintain high levels of performance. With it's minimalist design and matt finish colours, this stylish mouse wrist pad will improve health and wellbeing by effortlessly creating the perfect active working set-up. Combine with other Leitz Ergo products for an inviting and flexible workspace that keeps you moving all day.

Ergonomically designed mouse wrist rest to maximise comfort at your workspace
Keeps wrist postures straight to support health and comfort while maintaining high levels of performance
Using a mouse wrist pad minimises the impact of repetitive strain injuries and other aches and pains
Choose from 2 heights by turning over the wrist support for optimal wrist alignment
Ideal for working whilst sitting or standing on a height adjustable desk to further improve overall health and to support active working
Premium ultra-soft finish with foam-cushioned padding to provide quality and comfort
Made from non-toxic materials with an easy to clean surface

Leitz Ergo Cosy Adjustable Mouse Wrist Rest 64830085