When David Webb came to New York at the age of 17, he was captivated by the museums, architecture, and fashions of the day. By the time he opened shop in 1948, the city had become his muse. In his only published article, "Why Not Hang Gems?," of 1963, he wrote that jewelry deserved to be regarded as art and collected by museums. That conviction fuels The Art of David Webb. Here is jewelry shown as art in more than 120 images-all specially photographed for this book-that speak to the variety of artistic and cultural periods that inspired David Webb and the company he founded. Examples include David Webb's enameled and diamond Mondrian Bracelet, an homage to Piet Mondrian's Broadway Boogie Woogie and Yves Saint Laurent's 1960s sheath dress with its famed color blocking; a gemstone-rich
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The Art Of David Webb by Ruth Peltason

  • When David Webb came to New York at the age of 17, he was captivated by the museums, architecture, and fashions of the day. By the time he opened shop in 1948, the city had become his muse. In his only published article, "Why Not Hang Gems?," of 1963, he wrote that jewelry deserved to be regarded as art and collected by museums. That conviction fuels The Art of David Webb. Here is jewelry shown as art in more than 120 images-all specially photographed for this book-that speak to the variety of artistic and cultural periods that inspired David Webb and the company he founded. Examples include David Webb's enameled and diamond Mondrian Bracelet, an homage to Piet Mondrian's Broadway Boogie Woogie and Yves Saint Laurent's 1960s sheath dress with its famed color blocking; a gemstone-rich dragon brooch taken from a Scythian animal pommel; and a scored rock crystal and diamond bracelet that updates art deco classics. Throughout, work by painters, sculptors, photographers, architects, and couturiers form a visual dialogue with the sumptuous David Webb jewelry. The imaginative pairings, in-depth descriptive captions, and elegantly designed publication are resounding proof that jewelry is both art and culture.
  • Written by Ruth Peltason
  • 256 pages
  • Hardback
  • Published by Rizzoli
  • Measures 10 in x 12.5in
  • Made in Italy

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