2 Retro Press Classics Books

Christine Of The Fourth
(Book 3 in Greycourt Series)
by W. E. Eastways

On her return to Greycourt, Sheila finds out that Christine Barry, the new girl, has been causing trouble. Although the other girls dislike her, Sheila and her friend Priscilla make friends with Christine, and try to help her. 

It is an open secret among the other girls that Christine's father is in prison, and that Delores Cameron, the young talented wife of a rich businessman brought her to school. Delores is kind and sympathetic, but Christine resents her interference. 

All turns out well in the end, and Christine of the Fourth is well worthy of its place with the other splendid stories in this series.

Crooks Tour
by Jane Shaw

"She thought you were a crook," Fay explained to the young man in Basle station. But Ricky was not abashed- surely anyone running for a train could quite easily be mistaken for a thief. Fay and Julie, Ricky's chums, were not so sure of that, but they were sure Ricky's wild ideas about crooks would lead them all into trouble before the end of the school trip to Switzerland and Paris.

 They were right. Ricky looked at everyone with a detective's eye and, all too often for Fay and Julie, the clues she unearthed were not quite what they seemed to be. 

Once again Jane Shaw, author of the popular Susan Books, has written a book that will appeal to every girl's sense of fun and adventure.
