This vintage early 1970 electric "hot dogger" from Presto is a great hot dog cooker.  

I purchased this new as a college student living in a dorm in 1970 or '71.  And it was great to cook hot dogs fast and quick.

Easy-to-use, pull the tray out, put one up to 5 on the brongs, and power up with the chord for 45 seconds to 1 minute, thirty seconds.  It is simple to use and easy to clean.   The electric chord is detachable so that one can clean the cooker without it.

The model number is 01-HOTD1 from Presto.This hot dog cooker is made of durable high temp plastic and has a classic white color and a retro look.  Made in the United States, it is today a collectible item; a great addition to any collection of vintage cookers.

Take it out and electrocute hot dogs to perfection. Be assured its guaranteed to work.