
(1) Peltor model 7004 aviation headset with GA Plugs

An article on the excellent Peltor 7004:

Of all the sets we tested, the Peltor 7004 is one of the most unusual. Though remarkably light in weight, the set still sounds very good and still provides fine comfort. We weren’t surprised that this minimal-looking, Scandinavian-styled headset was by far the most portable set we tested. It looks as though it would be.

With a simple pop, the 7004 pilot headset can be folded into an oblong ball just slightly larger than the size of its earcups. It’s a remarkably convenient feature for those pilots who like to store their set in a flight bag or for those who rent aircraft and take their own headset along with them.

What did surprise us, however, was that the Peltor 7004 pilot headset, which features some pretty standard-looking foam seals, was easily the quietest headset we tested. How they pulled off this quiet revolution is hard to say, but they did.

Perhaps the headset’s noise-blocking effectiveness is due to its cozy, though comfortable, fit. Or maybe because of the very light headband on the 7004, Peltor designers were able to use more material in the earcups for better noise attenuation. In any case, the unit is a surprisingly quiet one.

We did find a couple of things about the unit which might take a while to get used to. For one, the volume control is on the forward side of the right earcup (or the back side of the left one depending on how you wear it), just under the arm of the mike boom. Placed in this position, the knob is slightly harder to reach than those on other sets we tested.

The tension on the knob of the set we received for evaluation was also far too tight, though it can be adjusted with the turn of a small screw. And though the size of the headband can be adjusted by two telescoping wires, this adjustment is also very tight and it takes a good bit of force to make the change.

Other than those minor sticking points, the Peltor 7004 pilot headset was an outstanding product, one which would certainly appeal to pilots looking for a good, mid-priced headset which delivers excellent performance while affording top-notch utility.

Review Ratings (7-5, 5 being best)

Peltor 7004 Features