Spotless HC book with clean DJ. Free shipping. 1363cv

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Discover the rich cultural heritage of the Chumash people with this beautifully illustrated hardcover book, "Rock Paintings of the Chumash" by Campbell Grant. Published by EZ Nature Books in 1993, this nonfiction narrative takes you on a journey through the archaeological sites of Santa Barbara County, California, where you will witness the stunning rock paintings and artifacts left by the native Chumash people.

This book, measuring 8.75 inches in length, 11.5 inches in height, and 1 inch in width, is a must-have for art and social science enthusiasts alike. It features a dust jacket and is illustrated with 208 pages of captivating images. The ISBN-10 number is 0945092288, and the book weighs 2.55 pounds. Get your hands on this valuable addition to your book collection today!