This original 2019 published article is 4 printed pages.


Autocar is arguably the best contemporary car magazine in the world. Written by top journalists with fastidiously researched articles. Each week, the cars were tested to their limits on UK motor industry research facilities in the Midlands.


Our reports been carefully removed and trimmed and will be sent in a plastic wrap within a board back envelope and postage is capped at two items (maximum) for one single batch sent. We will refund you the difference after payment has been made if you buy more than two.


Keep an eye open for the collection to increase over the next few months, covering many UK motoring magazines.


An Autocar Driving Report includes:

A comprehensive drive of the model when brand new, often before the main road test is performed.

Much independently written text (not the sales talk in the brochures).

Technical data.

Several photographs.

An interesting alternative read over and above any road tests that were also published.

… and much more. 

Keep an eye on our inventory as it increases, take a look at our other items. 

We have spent years making up a run of this magazine (weekly, 1930s to date, we used to attend the UK and European autojumble circuits in the 1990s) and have massive stocks. We are now uploading these often forgotten and hard to find articles (and magazine adverts) onto eBay, and have our own unrivalled index on spreadsheets.