Natural welness heritage from Thailand against everyday pains.

Soothing massage balm with Clinacanthus Nutans extracts to ease skin irritation, scorch, itches, herpes infection, exzema rash or sting. Warming effect balm.

Soothing massage balm with Clinacanthus Nutans extracts & warming effect.

To ease skin irritations, itches, herpes, exzema rash or sting.

To sooth scorch.

To soothe coughing fits when used as a poultice.

Provides a relaxing heating effect 30 'after application.

Also called "Sabah Snake Grass" or "Barleria Lupulina"in Thai Traditional Medicine, the Clinacanthus Nutans (from the Acanthaceae family) is used to heal skin irritation across Asia : insect bites, burns, exzema, psoriasis, zoster infection or herpes rash. This anti-inflammatory & anti-viral effect is due to the ingredients of Lupeol and Beta-sitosterol into Clinacanthus Nutans leaves.