Gog the giant from the Joan of Arc game. A manifestation of evil, this giant is a sorceror, either made of or drawing power from a well of tormented souls that erupts from his hunched back in a whirl of fell power.

The miniature is unpainted and you can see that the sword and staff are bent; this is usual for this miniature (unfortunately), but it can be fixed with the 'hot water trick' which involves placing the miniature in boiling water which allows the thermoplastic to be bent or reset to its original position, then place it in cold water to set it.

Excellent as a Chaos giant or daemon prince, though it is certainly unusual that a giant would know magic, thus marking him out as exceptionally dangerous among his kind. This miniature is 80mm tall at the peak of the soulnado, so it's possible that it can fit in a Sons of Behemat Age of Sigmar army. However, you might also like to use this miniature as a Chaos sorceror who has achieved daemonhood i.e. a daemon prince, and it would fit most of the powers except Khorne. You could also use it as an alternative greater daemon and it works especially well as an alternative Great Unclean One, in reference to the filthy clothes, rusting metal, and degenerate appearance, or a Lord of Change, as this thing is very magical and obviously a sorceror, and in the infinity of Chaos not all Tzeentch daemons need to be birds or clean. Lastly, you could use Gog as something even crazier, like a gestalt entity made from many souls, like the ones in the soulnado on the creatures back, being the product of a Chaos cult having killed themselves in ritual suicide to become this one being. This is a concept from the excellent Liber Chaotica book, if you're wondering and is fertile ground for an RPG campaign.

This miniature was a Kickstarter 'super exclusive' so it won't be available again from the company, according to them... the company is also out of business now, anyway.