You're bidding on a November 3rd 1985 Philadelphia Eagles at San Francisco 49ers NFL ticket - condition shown in the stock photos above.  This game was played at Candlestick Park in San Francisco, CA.  [I2Amezz+DH]x2

This ticket was from the 1st TD that Jerry Rice ever scored IN San Francisco !!!

This ticket is from a game in which Jerry Rice got his 2nd career Touchdown Reception and he eventually went on to catch a total of 197 touchdowns in his entire NFL career!!!

This ticket stub is from Topps HOF WR Jerry Rice's Rookie NFL Season !!!  Jerry Rice played college football at Mississippi Valley State !!!

This ticket features a photo of Philadelphia Eagles Head Coach Marion Campbell !!!

Winning bidder is to include $0.00 shipping which will be USPS First Class Mail delivery. All items packed in sturdy mailers to protect condition.  Note that it will cost an additional $0.00 for shipping for each  and every additional item won.