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Diepenbeeck, Abraham van (1596-1675):
"Telephe" - Telephos gets cured by the rust of the same spear that had wounded him / Telephos / Greek mythology / Griechische Mythologie / Medizin / medicine

Paris 1655.

Blatt-Format: 42 x 27 cm. - Original-Kupferstich nach Abraham van Diepenbeeck von 1655. -- gut erhalten. - Rare original engraving after Abraham van Diepenbeeck from 1655. -- in very good condition. || Abraham van Diepenbeeck (1596-1675) was a Dutch painter of the Flemish School. He was baptised in the Dutch city of 's-Hertogenbosch, as son of the glass painter Jan van Diepenbeeck. He became a pupil and assistant of Peter Paul Rubens, who highly influenced his work. He mostly dealt with mythological and historical subjects, as well as portraits. Around 1629, he moved to Antwerp, where he began to enjoy success through glass painting. Among his works are windows in the Antwerp cathedral representing the "Acts of Mercy". He did similar work at the church of the Dominicans, where he painted scenes from the "Life of Saint Paul". In 1632 he travels to Fontainebleau and Paris, where he copies frescoes by Francesco Primaticcio and Nicolò dell’Abbate. In 1636, he becomes a citizen of Antwerp. Van Diepenbeek was admitted to the guild of painters in 1638, and became director of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Antwerp) in 1641. After a trip to Italy, van Diepenbeeck began to paint chiefly in oil and to work on illustration. Among these are 58 designs engraved by Cornelis Bloemaert for Michel de Marolles' "Tableaux du Temple des Muses". During the reign of Charles I of England, van Diepenbeeck travelled to England where, besides painting portraits of the first Duke of Newcastle and his family, the artist illustrated the nobleman's book on horsemanship. He died at the age of 79, in Antwerp. Among his well known paintings are: ‘St. Norbert’; ‘Ecstasy of St. Bonaventura’; ‘St. Francis Adoring the Sacrament’; ‘Entombment of Christ’; ‘Neptune and Amphitrite’; and the ‘Flight of Clœlia.’

Bestell-Nr: 276115

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