Eclectic collection of vintage horror video tapes. Some obscure, some not. All in pretty good condition. Directors include Ed Wood, George Romero, Roger Corman, Tobe Hooper, Roman Polanski, Brian Depalma, Stanley Kubrick


Season Of The Witch

DieSister, Die!

Dracula's Virgin Lovers

Blood Couple aka Ganja & Hess

The Tempter aka The Antichrist

Halloween III Season Of The Witch

Jacob's Ladder

Rosemary's Baby

Orgy Of The Dead

Bucket Of Blood

Lady Frankenstein


The Changeling

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

The Shining

Damien Omen IIThe Omen

Salem's Lot

Bad Dreams

Exorcist II: The Heretic

The Ripper (Shot On Video Horror)

 Phantom Of The Paradise


The Dark

Nosferatu (1922 version)

The Clown Murders (early John Candy role)

Nightmare On Elm Street double set

-3: Dream Warriors

-4: The Dream Master

The Lost Boys

Cat People

Crucible Of Terror

From Beyond The Grave