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Public domain U.S. government manual; not copied from another CD-ROM product. Numerous illustrations and matrices; see reduced quality examples below.


Six (6) modules totaling 47 lessons of text.

2,284 total pages on CD-ROM in one PDF file.


The Special Forces Qualification Course is recognized as the best special operations training and education in the world. Our mission is to train and build the future operational force with Special Forces warriors who are adaptable, agile and capable to immediately enter into combat operations as a member of a Special Forces team.

The path to the qualification course differs slightly for those Soldiers recruited from within the Army and those who come in with no previous military experience, called initial accession recruits or 18Xs. Regardless of their path, upon completion of training the Soldier is awarded the coveted Green Beret and the Special Forces tab. The Special Forces Pipeline begins the day a Soldier arrives for training and is outlined below:

* SFPC I: Special Forces Preparation and Conditioning Course I
Phase I: SFAS – Special Forces Assessment and Selection
* CLT – Common Leader Training
* SFPC II: Special Forces Preparation and Conditioning Course II
Phase II: Small Unit Tactics and UW Skills/SERE/PG/HD/Language Block I
Phase III: Military Occupational Specialty Specific Training/Language Block II
Phase IV: Language Block III
Phase V: Unconventional Warfare Culmination Exercise (Robin Sage)
Phase VI: Graduation (Award of the Green Beret and SF tab)


The ability to speak a foreign language is a core unconventional warfare skill and is being incorporated throughout all phases of the qualification course. The students will receive their language assignment after the selection phase where they will receive a language starter kit that allows them to begin language training while waiting to return to Fort Bragg for Phase II. The 3rd Bn, 1st SWTG (A) is responsible for all language training at the USAJFKSWCS. The Special Operations Language Training (SOLT) is primarily a performance-oriented language course. Students are trained in one of ten core languages with enduring regional application and must show proficiency in speaking, listening and reading. A student receives language training throughout the Pipeline.

In Phase IV, students attend an 8 or 14 week language blitz depending upon the language they are slotted in. The general purpose of the course is to provide each student with the ability to communicate in a foreign language. For successful completion of the course, the student must achieve at least a 1/1/1 or higher on the Defense Language Proficiency Test in two of the three graded areas; speaking, listening and reading.


Special Operations Language Training (SOLT) is divided into 10 modules totaling 50+ lessons of Instructor and Student text. Between the Instructor and Student text there are approximately 2,000 pages.

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, the student will have achieved a level in listening, speaking, and reading proficiency equivalent to the ACTFL intermediate-low level and a memorized proficiency in writing. Small-group classroom instruction emphasizes communicative competence in oral/aural skills and task-based reading skills. An integral learning format, directed toward functional language use, incorporates modules that include everyday situations and specialized military tasks as well as cultural and writing components.