
New Jersey's First



Vol. 1 & 2

Published 1918

By William E. Sackett

564 + 713 pages, illustrated, indexed






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"These pages present an authoritative list of The Firsts, in their several lines of activity, among the ranking people of New Jersey. It is the first attempt ever made to give the State this something she has long needed. Enterprising sons have provided other states that approach New Jersey in dignity, wealth and importance, with their separate rolls of honor; it is high time New Jersey were provided with hers. The State owes it to herself to pause to rear her Hall of Fame to those among her people who, in the sum of their endeavors, are contributing so much to her aggrandizement ; those who are carrying her standards so far aloft are equally entitled to the recognition. NEW JERSEY'S FIRST CITIZENS comes to fill the void in the literature of the state.


"A work of this kind must needs explore all the fields of decent effort, be cosmopolitan in its reach and endlessly variegated in its topics. It must be something quite unlike a social register, nor stop to take account of names that are never found outside of check books. Social distinction and riches have come to some as the perquisite of their greatness in the loftier paths of endeavor; but society and wealth are not the glory of the citizenship here depicted. Neither by itself could command a line of recognition in these pages. Achievement alone has been the test of eligibility for admission here. NEW JERSEY'S FIRST CITIZENS is dedicated to the gifted men and women who have forged their way to the front in doing things that make for honor, welfare and progress—who have helped to make of New Jersey what she is and of her citizenship what it is—the leaders, in their several specialties, among the useful people of the commonwealth.


"And I am surprised to know how many of these make their homes among us. This work was undertaken, of course, with a knowledge of the State that enabled me to sense the splendor of its citizenship; but I did not realize how splendid it is till I was deep in the details of this enterprise. The pages of a work three times the size of this would scarcely make possible the tribute that is due to all who have earned it. The space limitations that confine me to so few where there are so many, is a matter of sincere regret. A system of condensation in the future periodical issues of the work—for it is planned to renew this book to date at intervals of about two years—will doubtless make room hereafter for the homage the world pays to the usefulness of the omitted.


"Sketches of some of the greatest in the world who lustre the State with their residence will be found between these covers. But one is not to look here for only the names familiar in the common places. The preparation of this book has brought to my mind with new force that it is not always the man with name most often seen in print who counts for most in the economy of life. The real forces are not always the showy ones; they are often the hidden ones. The modest worker in the Committee room, more than the idol of the galleries, gives shape aud color to the legislation of state and nation. Prize fighter Sullivan, stepping into the presence of a multitude, would be acclaimed by thousands of throats; Woodrow Wilson, appearing before them before he became President of the United States, would have required an introduction by the Chairman. But the vitalizing and fruitful and elevating force in the community is the University President whom so few would recognize. Some of power speak only in their deeds—their work alone is their eulogy; and the pages of NEW JERSEY'S FIRST CITIZENS is the revelation of an efficient citizenship in New Jersey that, if it has not always cared to mount to the housetops, yet goes on, in its own unpretentious way, helping to leaven the community to proud and ever prouder heights."



The purpose of this topical index is. primarily, of course, to facilitate reference. The grouping of the numbers of the pages containing references to given topics enables one to find readily all that is to be found here on the subject. It must be explained, however, that only the more important of the topics are treated. References to all the minor matters that contribute to the local interest of the sketches would make an index too bulky to be considered.

Business References—U. S. Steel Corp. (gen. counsel) 328; Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. (pres.) 195, (counsel) 490; Fidelity Trust Co. (pres.) 354, (gen. counsel) 266: Prudential Ins. Co. (pres.) 138. (actualization I 281, 294. 319. (actuary) 211, (statistician) 262, (gen. counsel) 327: Public Service Corp'n., 140, (pres.) 352, (statistics) 353, 525: S. l" . M. (pres.) I08; East Jersey Water Co., 198; H. L. & I. Co. (gen. mgr.) 77: N. Y. Telephone Co. (pres.) 45; Retail Jewelers Ass'n. N. J. (pres.) 497; A. T. Stewart. 32:!: Jacob H. Schiff, 296; E. H. Harriman, 296; Credit Men's Assn., 5; Amer. Bankers' Assn., 270: Rockefeller (personal counsel) 372, (confidential adviser) 203: J. P. Morgan & Co., 318, 328, 369; Kuhn Loeb & Co., 296; Jos. Dixon Crucible Co. (pres.) 461; Winslow Lanier & Co., 3; Estabrook Pen Mfg. Co. (pres.) 551.

Educational—Princeton University (pres.) 253, )Theo. Sem. Trustees, pres.) 496; Rutgers State University (pres.) 126; Seton Hall College (pres.i 360, 366; Drew Theo. Seminary (pres. emer.) 75, (pres.) 501; Centenary Collegiate Inst, (pres.) 504: Stevens Institute (pres.) 274, 475: N. Y. University (Dean) 470: State Comr. of Education. 307: State School Law Codification, 485; State Teachers Assn., 407. 468: Teachers Salary Act. 478; Teachers' Retirement Fund. 468: Kahn Foundation Teachers Travel. 2: Negro Education. 389; First Kindergarten. 58; School Masters Club (N. \\) 407; College Entrance Requirements, 166;—Public Libraries (Englewood) 335, (Hoboken) 265, ( Bloomtteld) 28D. (Newark) l16. (Plainfield) 422. (First Free Circulating) 375. (First Travelingi 125—Schools (State Normal) 80, 219, (Newark) 407, (Jersey City) 468, (Inquiry into Conditions in State) 196, (Trenton Art) 305, (St. Elizabeth's) 381: Parochial (aupt. I 130, (statistics) 382, (Priscilla Braislin) 292—Amherst College (founder) 495.

Engineering—N. Y. Aqueduct, 287: Hell Gate Bridge. 329; Hudson River Tunnel. 177; Jersey City Reservoir. 233; North River Bridge, 329: Trunk Sewer. 234; Largest Steel Arch Bridge. 329: Williamsburg Bridge, 430; Brooklyn Bridge (bldr.) 431; Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge. 434: First College Course in Electrical Engineering. 108; Cienfuegos hydro-electric plant, 514; Other References, 108, 257.

Genealogy—Barber. 35; Blackwell, 50: Blair, 52: Bradley, 58: Brinkerhoff, 62: Cranmer. 105; Demarest, 127: Dennis, 128; Dix. 132: Dumont. 141 ; Edison. 149; Fielder, 175; Freeman, 189, 192; Frelinghuysen, 194 : Kean, 300: Kinney. 310: Mapes, 339; McCarter, 352: Neilson. 374: Norris. 377; Parker, 384; Phelps, 396: Pitney. 401; Prout, 415: RoebUng. 431 : Sherrerd, 453; Stevens, 474: Stockton, 480; Strong, 490; Sutphen, 492: Van Dyke. 509 ; Vermeule, 514 ; Vick, 516.

Inventions—Aluminum, 1(M; Telephone, 152; Phonograph, 152 ; Movie,
7, 153; Incandescent lamp, 153; Dyes, 154; Harveylzed armor plate, 259;
Acousticon, 27)): "Dollar Watc>)", 283; Breeches Buoy Cable. 362; Sub-
marine "Holland," 376: Maxims, 348, 349; Marine cableway, 361; Panama
Canal cable. 362; Electric light development, 368; Rock drilling devices,
444; Dynamite gun. 459; Submarine boat. 45N ; Thermophote. 460 : Stevens
Battery, 475: Feed Water Heater. 534: Flaming nrc, 539; Electrical meas-
uring instruments, 540; Electric buzz fan, 540.

Labor—State Com'r.. 67: Labor Sunday, 472; Labor Temple, 472: Eight
Hour Law. 199. 54!S; Workmen's Compensation, 388; Other references, 71,
93, 148, 173. 176, llH), 310, 359, 371, 387.

Legislative—NATIONAL: Industrial Savings Act, 11; Rural Free De-
livery, 291; Sloney Trust Investigation, 328; Eight Hour Law, 199; Prohi-
bition. 3N7; Panama Canal (repealer) 343, 387; Labor, 2(K), 387, 388; Postal
Savings Banks, 200: L". S. Industrial Commission, 200; Wilson's Policies,
546—STATE—Civil Service, 1 : Capital Punishment. 1 ; Excise Invest. Com.,
17. 177; Pay Grand Jurors. 31 ; Anti Gambling, 60, 327, 333, 361, 388, 485;
Anti Boss, 88, 321, 341, 425; Elisor (Hoboken) 78, (Atlantic) 298. 469;
Limited Franchise. 89, 204. 304; "Seven Sisters," 118; Hudson Co. Consoli-
dation. 121: P. U. Comn. Work. 133; Canal Abandonment. 136, 513: Shinn
Bribery, 173; Longest Speech, 214; Playground Laws. 290; Marriage Li-
cense, 333, 453; Auto Law, 333; Conservation work, 364; Commission Rule,
78. 209. 134, 364. 380, 241; Laverty Impeachment, 387—Taxation, see also
Railroads. (Requisition Act) 155, (Inheritance) 155, (Single) 240, 284,
403. 425—Probation Officer (Woman) 399, 550: Juvenile Courts (1st), 399;
People's Lobby, 403; Women's Reformatory, 399; Geran Election Law, 424;
N. J. Boro. Law, 459; First Primary Reform Law, 371; Bishop's Liquor
Law, 453; "Rump Senate," 60. 97. 327. 485; U. S. Senatorial Primaries. 241,
485; Full Crew Act, 517; Wilson Reforms, 546: Other references, 31, 93,
176. 304, 364, 373.

Literary—Editors (Harper's Magazine) 8, (N. Am. Review) 236, (The
Independent) 81, (Christian Advocate) 73; $10,000 Prize story, 115; First
Newspaper on Train, 150; First Daily in N. J., 311 ; Mark Twain, 70; "Even-
ing Mail" N. Y. (founder) 495; Amelia Barr. 4!H5.

Official Titles—UNITED STATES—28th President of the U. S., 545;
Vice President, 2O0, 371; Secretary to the President (Johnsoni 368, (Lin-
coln) 483, (Wilson) 505: Interstate Commerce Commissioner, 118: Chief
Clerk House of Representatives. 65; Minister to Portugal, 46; Minister to
the Netherlands, 507; Ambassador to Berlin, 397; Special Envoy to Haiti,
185; to St. Domingo. 185; Envoy Extraordinary Chill, 376; Federal Re-
serve, 270. 444; Naval Consulting Board (mem.) 278, (mem.) 362. (chair-
mani 444: World Court League (pres.) 384; Conservation Congress (pres.)
383; Emergency Food Garden Commission (pres.) 384; Am. Forestry Ass'n
(pres.) 383; Federal Trade Commission (mem.) 186; Justice U. S. Supreme
Court, 401: St. Domingo receiver general, 515; Naval Officer, N. Y.. 550.—
STATE—Governor, 146; Chief Justice Sup. Ct., 222; Chancellor, 528: At-
torney General, 536; Comptroller, 423; State Comr. of Education. 307: In-
spector Rifle Practice. 471; Geologist, 466; Supervisor of Bills, 180; Fores-
ter, 203; Bordentown Military Inst, (instructor) 481; State Highway Com.,
148, (mem.) 244, (mem. I 470; Public Library Comm. (pres.> 417: Civil
Service Commission (pres.) 413: ex-Governors, 174, 184. 220, 370, 485,
520; State Insurance Comr. (created) 326: ex-Senators, U. S., 342, 463.

Organizations—PUBLIC—Soliders' Home, Kearny, 136; Agricultural
Experimental Station. 374; State Hospital, 163; Essex Troop, 385. 388;
Children's Guardians, 399, 549:—SEMI-PUBLIC—(State and National) —
(See also "Organizations Local")—State Grange (master) 304: Anti Saloon
League, 456; Lords Day Alliance, 496: People's Lobby, 456: Public Service
Corp'n (pres.) 352, (gen. sol'r) 140, (statistics) 353, (asso. gen. sol.) 525;
Pure Food League, 317, 501; N. J. Bankers' Assn. (1st pres.) 486; Amer.
Defence Soc'y, 482; N. J. Historical Soc'y, 91, (pres.) 495; Ocean Grove
Camp Meeting Assn. (pres.) 32; Legal Aid Soc'y, 399: Consumers' League,
112, 317; State Chamber of Commerce, 227, 517, 518; Sunshine Soc'y, N. J.
Division, 182; Audubon Soc'y, 85; State Charities Aid, 109, 365; N. J.
Pharmaceutical Ass'n (pres.) 344; Cal. Soc'y of N. J., 218; Mayflower De-
scendants (founding) 191; Current Events Study (first class) 378: Mercy
Committee (pres.) 191, 318; Newark Housing Committee, 286; Purity Alli-
ance, 49; Citizens' Union (N. J.) 268; Descendants of "The Signers." 91;
F. & A. M. (M. W. G. M.) 361; Met. Museum Art, 438; Automobile Club
America (pres.) 240; Nat. Rifle Assn. (pres.) 324: N. J. Correspondents'
Club (dean) 170; Circumnavigators Club (pres.) 46: Credit Men's Ass'n,
Club) 399, (Chamber of Commerce, pres.) 454. (Industrial Home) 455:
Children, 422; N. J. Lumbermen's Ass'n. (pres.) 506; Amer. Art Ass'n.,
Paris (chrmn.) 526:—LOCAL—Atlantic City, Rescue Mission, 161; East
Orange, Citizens Union, 190; Hoboken, De Long Guards, 366; Hudson Co.,
S. P. C. A., 365; Citizens Federation. 78; Jersey City (College Women's
Club) 399, (Chamber of Commerce, (pres.) 454, (Industrial Home) 455;
Metuchen, Boro. Improvement League, 391, 412; Montclair (Council of De-
fense) 373, (Battalion) 7, (Outlook ClubI 7. 373, (Dramatic Club) 435;
Morristown, Citizens' Ass'n., 169; Mt. Holly, Public Safety Com., 180;
Newark (Contemporary Club) 121, (Girl's industrial School) 123, (Job
Haines' Home, Aged) 337. (Board of Trade) 227, (Symphony OrchestraI
128, (Parental School) 286, (Public Bath Improvement Ass'n.) 285, (Wed-
nesday Club) 187, (Women's Housing Ass'n.) 123; New Brunswick. Penny
Savings Institutions. 375: Newton, Playfellows, 128; Orange. Boys' Club.
389; Paterson (Light Guards) 184, (Business Men's Ass'n.) 419: South
Orange, Civic Ass'n.. 283; Tenafly, Boro. Club, 465; Trenton. City Iuvinci-
bles, 277; Union, Self Masters' Colony, 284.

Political—GENERAL— Hearst's N. Y. Campaign, 72; Y. M. Dem. Aux.
Com., 332; Acting Governor, 175: New Idea Party, 338; Progressive Party.
N. J., 185, 269; Anti-Monopoly Party, 72; Hudson Co. Ballot Frauds, 199,
333; Greenback Party, 72; Anti-Bribery, 457, 476; First editorial for Lin-
coln, 483; Largest gubernatorial majority, 484; Scullv Congressional re-
count, 448;—NATIONAL CAMPAIGNS—1828, 353; 1856, 511: 1860, 311:
1868, !Hl; 1880, 410: 1888, 31, 107. 294; 1892, 31. 72. 107, 270. 357. 537:
1896, 1. 2. 16, 26, 27, 59, 72, 185, 220, 244, 261, 342, 357, 384, 503: 1904, 294.
312. 355, 364. 373. 381, 418, 431: 1908, 2. 7. 312. 355. 364, 370. 381. 506:
1912, 62, 89, 95, 133, 137, 221, 230, 273, 313, 338, 345, 376, 381, 420. 424. 516.
528. 546; 1916, 7. 89. 93, 133, 185, 230, 269, 273. 312, 345, 381, 384, 418. 448.
506, 516, 536. 548;—STATE CAMPAIGNS—1883, 522; 1892, 15. 462: 1895.
84. 261, 402, 521 ; 1898, 532; 1901, 402; 1904, 230. 484; 1907, 48, 294, 550;
1910, 321. 332. 381, 463, 464. 516, 537, 545. 551: 1913, 89, 176. 345. 357.
464. (Women's part) 392. 551; 1915, 413; 1916, 97. 290, 425, 551 ;—U. S.
SENATOR CAMPAIGNS—1877, 272, 314; 1887, 242: 1893, 463: 1901, 139;
1902, 27, 139, 353. 485; 1907, 476: 1910, 188, 371, 486; 1911, 343. 464. 485,
545; 1912, 273. 1916, 196.

Railroads—Longest trolley road. 245: First Steam R. R.. 475; First R.
R. Charter in America, 475; General Railroad Law, 261; First Screw-
Propeller Ferrv boat, 476; Hudson River Tunnel, 177, 329: Employees Re-
lief, 125; Track Elevation, 294. 400; Taxation, 48, 221. 232. 395, 424, 462,
485, 522; D. L. & W. (start) 397, (gen. solicitor) 418; Jersey Central (pres.)
44, (fined) 119: Lehigh Valley Fined, 119; First Elevated. Chicago, 125;
Railway Business Ass'n. U. S. (pres.) 410; Trunk Line Ass'n. (chairman)
350; R. R. Treas. 29 years, 472.

Religious—First Reformed Church in N. J., 61; First Census Religious
Bodies, 82: First Woman Preacher, 48: Rabbis' First Conference, 297;
Churches of Christ in America. 83, 472; Holy Name Soc'y, 452; Catholic
Protectory, 452; M. E. Foreign Missions Board, 73, 76; Book Com. (Sec.)
502: Ecumenical Conference. 83; Reformed Church Synod (Pres.) 448; Gen.
Assembly, Presb'y, :{44, 496, 507; Presbyterial Supt., 337; Home Missions
Board, Presby'n, 289;—Diocese, Newark P. E. (Fund Trustee) 302,
(Bishop) 330, (Treas.) 476; Newark R. O. (Bishop) 381, (statistics) 381,
(Vicar Gen.) 451; New Jersey P. E.. 346, (Bishop) 479—Old Testament Re-
vision Comm. (Chrman) 322; New-Church, 429—Ocean Grove Ass'n. (Pres.)
32, (Musical Conductor) 369, (Charter) 443—New Brunswick Presbytery,
322; Y. M. C. A., 338; Lord's Day Alliance, N. J. (pres.) 496; Dist. Supt.
Newark M. E. Conf., 518; Gen'l Conf. M. E., 519—LOCAL Atlantic City,
Allen Brown Bible Class, 161; Bloomfield Westminister Presb'n, 289; Jarvie
Memorial Hall, 289; Helen's Manse, 289; Hasbrouck Heights. Church of
Corpus Christi. 452; Jersey City (First Church) 61, (St. Michael's) 452,
(Emory). 519: Montclair (Congregational) 434, (M. E.) 434; Newark i First
Church) 123. (Centenary) 519; Passaic, St. Michael's R. 0., 452; Paterson
(Catholic Church in) 360, (Church of the Covenant) 419; Westfield, Pa.
Memorial, 6; Shrewsbury, Presby'n, 545.

Temperance—First Local W. C. T. U., 55; First Temperance Cadets,
451; Anti-Saloon League, N. J. (supt.) 456; Inter-National Anti-Alcoholic
Congress, 456; Lord's Day Alliance, U. S., 496; Werts High License Law,
520; Other references, 17, 32. 49, 56, 177. 269, 345, 361, 387, 453, 473.

War References—MEXICAN (1848)—511 :—CIVIL—19, 110, 170, 177,
251, 270, 287, 292, 320, 370, 385, 404, 414, (Army Mortality) 416, 431, 442,
458, 478, 483, 524, 543—SPANISH AMERICAN—196, 201, 260, 273, 279, 312,
361, 382, 398, 406, 516:—EUROPEAN—7, 65, 66, 93, 132, 141, 146, 148, 154,
157, 183, 192, 279, 282, 292, 296, 304. 314, 348, 376, 397, 398, 403, 478, 482,
507, 514, 548.

Woman Suffrage—N. J. Ass'n. (pres.) 168, 399, 435; National Women's
Party (chairman) 393; Woman's Suffrage Ass'n. (cong. com.) 394; Con-
gressional Union, 268; Workers' Rules at Polls, 98; Court Case, 81; White
House Pickets, 394; Amendment Campaign, 413; Political Union. Rahway,
69; Metuchen League, 413: Other references, 99, 167, 224. 267, 268, 315, 378.

Women's Clubs (See also "Associations")—General Federatiou (little
blue pin) 33, (statistics) 122; State Federation, 317, 392, 399, 413, (Ex
club) 434, (pres.) 479, 533; D. A. R.. 322; Colonial Dames of N. J. (pres.)
322; N. Y. Federation, 129; Montclair Federation Women's Organizations,
434; College Women's Clubs (J. C.) 399; Arlington, 316.

Miscellaneous—GENERAL—First Woman Lawyer, 398; First Hudson
River Steamboat, 474; First Topographical Survey, 512; First Settlement
House, 57: First $1. Gas Co., 481; Polaris Exp'n., 99; Grant's World Tour,
41; "Battle Hymn of the Republic", 224; Associated Press, Founder, 125;
Battle of Monmouth. 422, 510; Phrenology, Founder, 316: Steel Industry in
U. S., 281; World-search for carbon fibre, 153; Cleopatra Needle, 430; Class-
mate of King George, England. 376; Letter from an Emperor, 297; Royal
Order Crown of Prussia, 2; Order St. Sava (King of Servia) 414; Am.
Cross of Honor. 4>": Southern Cross of Honor, 481; Mosquito Extermina-
tion, 362, 412; Panama Canal (History) 293, 387, 506; Paris Exp'n, 31, 265,
371: Province of the Equator (Gov.) 416; Tammany Leader, 376; "Libbey
Deel>." 324; Colleoni Statue, Newark, 169; Pres. Cleveland's Widow, 411;
Horace Greeley's granddaughter, 182; Ex-Pres. Roosevelt's Sister, 428;
Tilden Estate. Ex'r, 422; Private Sec. to Geo. Bancroft, 446; $2,000 Prize
Picture, 409; Twenty-seven Years Sec. of State, 305; For "Down and Outs",
294; Henry George Bequest, 366; Idiopathic Epilipsy, 67; Gould Fortune,
213: Met. Opera Co. N. Y., 297; Native Wagons for all nations, 47; Coles'
gifts, 91; $100,000 Gift, 289; Collections (rare china) 85, (Chinese and
Korean Pottery) 404, (Electric books) 540, (Autographic Books) 496, (Art
subjects Photos) 403;—LOCAL—Atlantic City (Boom) 147, (Reform) 90,
209, 542; Asbury Park, Founder, 60; Bergen, Longest Deed, 39: Essex Park
Commission, 371, 435; Hudson Park System, 121; Jersey City (South Cove)
93. 455, (Schools) 468:—Newark, (Committee of One Hundred) 12, 187,
169, 210, 128. 168, 125, 164, 291. 286. .'!55, 371, 382, 448, 495, (City Hall) 160,
(Shade Tree Commission) 24. 303, (First Settler) 322. (German Hospital)
169, (First Town Treas.) 338, (Period of Growth) 380, (Public Schools I
407. (Water Supply) 454, 463;—East Newark. Early History. 120—Pater-
son (Early History) 135, (Miriam Barnert Hosp.) 37, (Home for Aged)
361, (Gifts to) 419, (Park Commission) 41;—Plainfield, on Martine farm.
342; Princeton, Water Works (Start) 324; New Brunswick (Original Char-
ter) 374, (First Alderman) 509; Camden, Playgrounds, 290: Trenton. Cad-
walader Park. 255: Hoboken, Early History. 474; Oxford, Founding, 453;.
Roebling, Founded, 431, 433; Elizabeth, Bankruptcy, 512; West New York.
Civic Society. 493; Freehold, Early History, 492; Sussex Co., 150th Anni-
versary, 495: Monmouth Co., Early History, 509; Honeyman, the Spy,
510; Speech that nominated Wilson, 537.


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