broken cell-wall

Please Note: Extracted Pine Pollen is nonsense!

Think about it!  You extract to concentrate specific compounds.
for instance:  Tongkat Ali is extracted to concentrate and specifically target Eurycomanone; and to concentrate it at the expense of other non-utilized compounds which are discarded

With a 10:1 ratio you are throwing away 90% of the product.
You only want to do this if you can concentrate a specific element or compound within the original sample.  Pine Pollen IS NOT NUTRIENT SPECIFIC.  It is loaded with a multiplicity of nutrients.  IT IS ONE OF THE MOST NUTRIENT DENSE, BIO-AVAILALBE, and natural products on the market.  Ask youself:  What am I concentrating within my pine pollen sample? and more importantly, what am I discarding?  If you do not know what the answer is to this question, then what the hell are you doing buying it?

OUR PINE POLLEN IS NOT EXTRACTED.  IT IS RAW WITH ONLY THE CELL WALL BROKEN TO CREATE A MORE BIO-AVAILABEL  PRODUCT                                                                              


Our RAW Pine Pollen Powder is over 99% digestible, ensuring that you absorb and experience all the health benefits of Pine Pollen. In comparison, bee pollen is estimated at 5% digestibility.

We highly recommend using RAW Pine Pollen Powder as the foundation of your daily nutrition, rebuilding from the cells up for optimum nutrition and well being. Use desired amount in the morning and again in the early afternoon, or mix in the morning and drink throughout the day. If you are interested in elevating your health to an optimum, unparalleled level, adding RAW Pine Pollen will deliver you there. Our Raw Pine Pollen is an extremely nutrient dense food (see the homepage for analysis), and you will feel immediate benefits from consuming it. All of the 200+ active compounds in Pine Pollen work synergistically in orchestrated harmony, and you will achieve optimum benefit from consuming the whole food, the pure, 100% raw pine pollen.

Suggested Dosage

1teaspoon to 1 tablespoon  a day depending on age and conditions.