Secrets to Getting Pregnant – You Can Overcome Infertility.

By Dr Irina Webster

ISBN: 978-0-9806357-1-3

You have probably arrived here because you are looking for answers right! Well, the answers you seek are here. So let me tell you right now: if you still ovulate, then you can have a baby, no doubt about it.

Secrets to Getting Pregnant is rich in Practical information and effective strategies on how to get pregnant if you have difficulties conceiving.

Discover the principles to falling pregnant naturally from women who succeeded despite long years of trying even after failing many medical tests and procedures regarding their inability to conceive.

This book will show you:

- Different methods to fall pregnant faster with no side effects, pain or discomfort.

- Specific ways to fall pregnant according to different situations and medical conditions.

- Natural ways to fall pregnant in older women or in cases of unexplained Infertility. A way to a harmonious life as a women, a wife and as a mother using the energy of your own cycles.

- You learn to use the cycle's energy instead of letting this energy dominate you.

- Natural ways to improve your health as a women which is the key to a healthy pregnancy.

- A unique way to balance your conscious and subconscious minds, preparing them for motherhood and for attracting a child into your life.


Quote: "The best way to treat infertility is a combination of conventional and alternative medical approaches." -Roger C Hirst O.M

About author: Dr Irina Webster is a medical doctor who devotes her life to helping women by inspiring, educating, and enlightening them.