Your Story Hour

 Great Stories Volumes 1-12

CD Albums


Here is an opportunity to get Your Story Hour's Great Stories set for one amazing price!  The Your Story Hour Great Stories CDs lot consists of twelve (12) CD albums.  Each CD album has 6 CDs in a sturdy carrying case and contains 12 stories covering about 6 hours.  So, total it all up and this set contains:


  • Twelve (12) CD albums with sturdy carrying cases
  • Seventy Two (72) CDs
  • 144 stories!
  • Approximately Seventy Two (72) hours of listening enjoyment!


These CD albums contain exciting and fun stories that demonstrate God's grace and love for His people.  Some stories are biographical in nature, showing the persistence and strength of historical figures like Sacagawea, John Newton, Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Robert E. Lee, Paul Revere, George Washington and many others.  Other stories are fictional that teach character qualities such as faith, trust, and commitment.  

The stories on these CD albums are:

Great Stories 1:
(CD1)THE BRAVEST ONE Brave Vietnam war orphan/THE EMERALD VIOLIN World War II escape
(CD2) WE BIXBY'S STICK TOGETHER Peer pressure and drugs/BETSY'S PEANUT MANNA Child's trust and faith in God
(CD3) ALL THINGS FOR ANDREW An amazing reunion/A SHEAF OF GRAIN Cruelty forgiven
(CD4) THE RAVEN AND THE RING Honesty rewarded by God/LITTLE EM God uses spoiled little girl
(CD5) FANNY CROSBY(part 1) A song in her heart/FANNY CROSBY (part 2) A seeing heart
(CD6) THE GUNNER WORE PETTICOATS Story of Mary Hays (better known as "Molly Pitcher"/JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH Biography

Great Stories 2:
(CD1) GEORGE WASHINGTON (PART 1) George's growing-up years/GEORGE WASHINGTON (PART 2) The French/Indian War
(CD2) GEORGE WASHING (PART 3) Marriage, War of Independence, Valley Forge/GEORGE WASHINGTON (PART 4)Mr. President
(CD3) HENRY FORD (PART 1) First Car/HENRY FORD (PART 2) Persistence pays off
(CD4) HONEY CREEK HEROINE Girl saves hundred from water grave/THE AUTOGRAPH John Hancock borrows Rebekah's pen/SPECIAL STRENGTH Quaker Lady opens school for black girls
(CD5) THE MOST IMPORTANT TREASURE Families face crises and survive with wisdom and courage/THE GOOD NEIGHBOR Biography of a lady frontier doctor
(CD6) SANDY'S SINGING Young Sam Clemens learns compassion/BREAD ON THE WATERS Louisa May Alcott's childhood/THE CLOCK STRUCK TEN God works a miracle through an unlikely person

Great Stories 3:
(CD1) ROBERT E LEE Parts 1 & 2
(CD2) ROBERT E LEE Parts 3 & 4
(CD3) JOHNNY APPLESEED (PARTS 1 & 2) Story of John Chapman - the man who gave apple seeds to the early American pioneers
(CD4) THE DARING LOCOMOTIVE CHASE Parts 1 & 2) Exciting tale from the American Civil War
(CD5) SACAGAWEA (PART 1) One Little Indian Girl/SACAGAWEA (PART 2) Indian Guide
(CD6) THE GIRL ASTRONOMER Story of a little Quaker girl/PRECIOUS BURNEDES/PART-TIME INDIAN Two stories about the things in life that matter most

Great Stories 4:
(CD1)THE LADY OF LONGPOINT Shipwrecked crew saved by couragious lady / A DOG NAMED BEAR Starving dog rescued from island
(CD3) JAMIE, WHERE ARE YOU? Deaf child saved by pet dog / GIVING LOVE AWAY Mother learns true meaning of love / GOLD MEDAL TWINS Selfless love delays Olympic plans / SARA, SPECIAL KID Child overcomes learning difficulty
(CD4)GRANDMA MILLER'S FARM Family pulls together to save family farm / A NEW LITTLE KID Foster child becomes great little brother
(CD5)THE YELLOW FEVER FIGHTER Dr. William Gorgas discovers cause of Yellow Fever / LOST Children get lost in a snow storm
(CD6)THE BROWN VAN Avoiding trouble with strangers / GOD BLESS Children use Vietnam tap code to help uncle

Great Stories 5:
(CD1) SOJOURNER TRUTH(Parts 1 & 2)
(CD2) HUDSON TAYLOR(PART 1) The Call to China/HUDSON TAYLOR(PART 2)One who trusted God
(CD6) ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (PART 3)Nothing to fear/ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (PART4)First Lady of the World

Great Stories 6:
(CD1) MYSTERY OF THE OPEN WINDOW A criminal learns of God/MYSTERY OF THE DISAPPEARING HOLE Evangelist's life is spared
(CD2) LUNCH MONEY Bullies are tamed/A LOT OF SECRETS A mean boy is transformed by kindness
(CD3) ANGEL OF THE HARP Christmas story, a most "unpromising" child becomes a blessing/CHRISTMAS ANGEL An angel gives renewed hope
(CD4) CELESTINA'S MIRACLE/WERE GOING TO KILL YOU Two stories about God's intervention and protection/GOD IS ALIVE A prisoner survives
(CD5) A MOTHER'S HEART Lincoln and a persistant mother /  ASLEEP ON DUTY Lincoln's compassion for a condemned soldier
(CD6) A WOMAN OF SMALL IMPORTANCE President McKinley makes a big decision based on a small event/AN AMERICAN ARMY OF TWO Two children cleverly save the day during wartime.

Great Stories 7:
(CD1) PAUL REVERE -PATRIOT SILVERSMITH Early events in the Revolution, Boston Tea Party/PAUL REVERE AND THE ROAD TO REVOLUTION Incidents that led to open rebellion
(CD2) PAUL REVERE'S FAMOUS RIDE Revere's historic ride/PAUL REVERE AND THE SHOTS AT LEXINGTON The Revolution's first shots.
(CD3) ELI WHITNEY-BOY CRAFTSMAN Eli shows ingenuity and promise/ELI WHITNEY-MASTER MECHANIC Eli invents the cotton gin
(CD4) MARY JEMISON-GIRL CAPTIVE a young teen is captured by Indians/MARY JEMISON-SENECA SQUAW Mary grows up with the Senecas
(CD5) SYBIL LUDINGTON-GIRL PATRIOT a 16-year-old girl makes a dangerous ride to warn that the British are attacking/LUCRIETTA MOTT Quaker girl grows up and becomes a defender of human rights
(CD6) GOLD, LONELINESS AND LETTERS The California Gold Rush creates a need for more rapid mail delivery/THUNDERING HOOFBEATS The beginnings of the Pony Express

Great Stories 8:
(CD1) THE MYSTERIOUS MIDNIGHT RIDE God's mysterious protection/DON'T GO TODAY God protects children past and present
(CD2) GRASSHOPPER STEW God miraculously saves a garden from locusts/THE SHARPENED KNIFE  Answered Prayer
(CD3) THE LAST STOP CAFE Christian generosity/GRANDPA JACK'S ATTIC An angel rescues a soldier
(CD4) A RAINBOW'S END God's guidance/YOU CAN'T RUN FROM GOD A modern-day Jonah
(CD5) CHRISTOPHER Victory for a disabled boy/THE THIN EXCUSE Teenage eating disorder
(CD6) CYBERBOY Danger on the internet/THE CLUB Teens enjoy helping others

Great Stories 9:
(CD1) SAILING SOUTH (Shackleton Part 1) The expedition begins/THE RELENTLESS ICE (Shackleton Part 2) The ship Endurance is trapped
(CD2) CASTAWAYS IN A FROZEN WORLD (Shackleton Part 3) The crew take to the ice floes/THE INCREDIBLE VOYAGE (Shackleton Part 4)Shackleton tackles the world's worst seas in a small boat
(CD3) THE IMPOSSIBLE JOURNEY (Shackleton Part 5) Three men accomplish a miracle/THE AMAZING RESCUE (Shackleton Part 6) The conclusion to Shackleton's epic adventure
(CD4) THE DISAPPEARING TRUCKER A mysterious guide in an Iowa blizzard/THREE MONTHS UNDER THE SNOW A shepherd and his grandson are trapped by a winter storm
(CD5) ALONE FOR CHRISTMAS Three unlikely Christmas Eve companions/THE GOLDEN LOCKET A classic story of the heart
(CD6) UNCLE TOOTSIE ROLL  The power of honesty/RING OF FIRE  An adventure of obedience and forgiveness/THIRTEEN O'CLOCK Town clock bells trigger an unusual request/THE WALL OF GOD A family is rescued by a miracle of faith

Great Stories 10:
(CD1) MICE IN THE ICE BOX  (T. Roosevelt Part 1) / TEDDIE GROWS UP (T. Roosevelt Part 2) 
(CD2) THE WESTERN ADVENTURE (T. Roosevelt Part 3) /MAN OF COURAGE (T. Roosevelt Part 4)
(CD3) THE YOUNGEST PRESIDENT (T. Roosevelt Part 5) / MAN OF VISION (T. Roosevelt Part 6) 
(CD4) THE RIVER OF DOUBT (T. Roosevelt Part 7) / ROENTGEN'S RAY The Amazing discovery of the "x-ray"
(CD5) FLEMING'S MYSTERIOUS RING / FLOREY, CHAIN AND THE MAGICAL MOLD -  The two-part story on the discovery of Penicillin
(CD6) I LOVE MATHEMATICS  The determination of Russia's Sonya Kovalevskaya / THE SCHOOLCHILDREN'S BLIZZARD A young teacher's courage on the plains.

Great Stories 11:
(CD1) THE YOUNG VIRGINIAN  (Thomas Jefferson, Part 1).  Jefferson’s early life from birth until he attends the Second Continental Congress. / CHAMPION OF DEMOCRACY (Thomas Jefferson, Part 2).  Jefferson writes the Declaration of Independence and plays key roles in the new American government.
(CD2) THE THIRD PRESIDENT, (Thomas Jefferson Part 3). Jefferson is elected as the third president of the United States. / DAKOTA DOCTOR LADY The life of Helena Wink, an early woman doctor whose adventures in the Dakota Territories are legendary.
(CD3) TRUE PEARLS AND FALSE PAPERS (Irena Sendler, Part 1).  Irena Sendler begins her campaign to help suffering Jews under Nazi domination in Warsaw, Poland. / SECRETS OF THE APPLE TREE (Irena Sendler, Part 2).  Irena and her allies rescue Jewish children from certain death under the noses of the Nazis.
(CD4) AMOS FORTUNE, Man of Honor   The story of a slave who became a respected businessman. / GARRETT MORGAN  The son of former slaves becomes an important inventor whose work still impacts our world today.
(CD5) AWAY FROM SAFE HARBOR (Zamzam Part 1).  The Zamzam, a “missionary ship,” is attacked by a German raider near the African coast. / THE PRISON SHIP  Zamzam’s passengers are rescued, but still face an unceratain and threatening future.(CD6) THE SECRET OF COBBLE COTTAGE  How one act of kindness by Miss Bennett, the occupant of Cobble Cottage, reaps great rewards. / THE BEST WISEMAN EVER  Three abandoned children are happily surprised at the town’s annual Christmas pageant.

Great Stories 12:
(CD1) Child of Privilege (Lottie Moon Part 1)/Woman of China (Lottie Moon Part 2)
(CD2) The Promise in the Woods (Lillian Trasher Part 1)/Mama Lillian (Lillian Trasher Part 2) 
(CD3) /The Dollar and a Half School (Mary Bethune Part 2)
(CD4) Mayala, The Congo Chief/ (CD5) / (CD6) /

These stories will encourage you and challenge you.  We love listening to these as a family, and I love them just as much as the kids!  These CDs would be perfect for family time, a homeschool supplement, a Christian school classroom or Sunday School class to illustrate a lesson. And, don't forget to get a set for your church library! 

Each CD album has a retail price of $22.50, for a total retail value of $270.  Buying them in this bulk lot will give you an amazing discount, not to mention saving a ton in shipping!  Get a set (or two) now and start enjoying these amazing stories in a few days!  

These CDs will be shipped to you directly from the publisher, so look for your shipment from Your Story Hour!

Inexpensive Media Mail shipping available, or you could upgrade if you like.

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