Doctor Who 7 (2011-2013):


 - Series 7: COMPLETE
(inc. 2011 & 2012 Christmas Specials)

Matt Smith

* Blu-Ray High Definition! *

2011 Christmas: 'The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe'

        2012 Episodes 7x01-7x05

                2012 Christmas: 'The Snowmen'

                        2013 Episodes 7x06-7x13

(5 Disc Set)

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Region FREE Blu-Ray Version - Brand New, Factory Sealed Set

These are original and factory sealed.

2011 Christmas Special: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe:
First broadcast on on 25 December 2011, it is the seventh Christmas special since the show's revival in 2005. It was written by Steven Moffat and directed by Farren Blackburn.

During the Christmas season of 1938, an alien spacecraft approaches Earth ready to destroy it when it suddenly explodes courtesy of the Doctor who escapes the ship and then falls to Earth by rapidly donning an impact space suit, though in his haste, the helmet is put on backwards. On crashing to Earth, he is found by Madge Arwell (Claire Skinner), wife of Reg (Alexander Amstrong) and mother of two children, Lily (Holly Earl) and Cyril (Maurice Cole). She helps the Doctor to his TARDIS, and the Doctor promises to repay her for her kindness. Three years later, during World War II, Reg is reported missing in action when the Lancaster bomber he was piloting disappeared over the English Channel. Madge is told this via telegram just before Christmas, but decides not to tell her children yet, hoping to keep their spirits up through the holiday. Madge and the children evacuate London to a relative's house in Dorset, where they are greeted by the Doctor, calling himself "the Caretaker"; Madge does not recognise him from their previous encounter, as his face had been hidden by the backwards helmet.

The Doctor has prepared the house specially for the children and the holiday; though the children are pleased, Madge privately explains about Reg's death to the Doctor and insists he not overindulge the children. During the first night, Cyril is lured into opening a large glowing present under the Christmas tree, revealing a time portal to a snow-covered forest. The Doctor shortly discovers Cyril's absence and follows him with Lily; they eventually track Cyril to a strange lighthouse-like structure. Madge, finding her children missing, soon follows them into the forest, but is met by three miners in space suits from the planet Androzani Major (Bill Bailey, Paul Bazely, and Arabella Weir)

Doctor : Matt Smith (Eleventh Doctor)

Claire Skinner – Madge Arwell
Maurice Cole – Cyril Arwell
Holly Earl – Lily Arwell
Alexander Armstrong – Reg Arwell
Sam Stockman – Co-pilot
Bill Bailey – Droxil

Paul Bazely – Ven-Garr
Arabella Weir – Billis
Spencer Wilding – Wooden King
Paul Kasey – Wooden Queen
Karen Gillan – Amy Pond
Arthur Darvill – Rory Williams

Doctor Who – Series 7: Part 1 - The Doctor, Amy and Rory are back for the first five blockbuster episodes of series seven. The trio encounter the Daleks, Weeping Angels and even Dinosaurs on a Spaceship as the series builds to the departure of The Ponds in one of the most heartbreaking episodes in the history of Doctor Who.

Cast List:
Matt Smith - The Doctor (11)
Karen Gillan - Amy Pond
Arthur Darvill - Rory Williams
Alex Kingston – River Song

Guest Stars:
Jenna-Louise Coleman – Oswin Oswald
Anamaria Marinca – Darla von Karlsen
David Gyasi – Harvey
Naomi Ryan – Cassandra
Nicholas Briggs – Voice of the Daleks
Barnaby Edwards – Dalek 1
Nicholas Pegg – Dalek 2
Zac Fox – Photoshoot PA (uncredited)

Riann Steele – Queen Nefertiti
Sunetra Sarker – Indira
Rupert Graves – Riddell
Mark Williams – Brian Williams
David Bradley – Solomon
Noel Byrne – Robot 1
Richard Garaghty – Robot 2
Richard Hope – Bleytal
Rudi Dharmalingam – ISA worker
David Mitchell – Robot 1 (voice)
Robert Webb – Robot 2 (voice)

Ben Browder – Isaac
Adrian Scarborough – Kahler-Jex
Dominic Kemp – Kahler-Mas
Rob Cavazos – Walter
Joanne McQuinn – Sadie
Andrew Brooke – The Gunslinger
Garrick Hagon – Abraham
Byrd Wilkins – The Preacher
Sean Benedict – Dockery

Mark Williams – Brian Williams
Steven Berkoff – Shakri
Stephen Blything – Henry
Jemma Redgrave – Kate Stewart
Selva Rasalingham – Ranjit
Alice O'Connell – Laura
Alan Sugar – Himself
Brian Cox – Himself

Mike McShane – Grayle
Rob David – Sam Garner
Ozzie Yue – Foreman
Bentley Kalu – Hood 1
Burnell Tucker – Garner 2

Matt Smith 2009-2012

Karen Gillan

Arthur Darvill Alex Kingston

  • Encoding: Region FREE

  • Aspect Ratio: Widescreen 16:9 Anamorphic

  • Available Audio Tracks: English - Dolby Digital Stereo

  • Subtitles: English

  • Classification: PG

  • Studio: 2entertain

Asylum of the Daleks (7x01)
The Doctor, Amy, and Rory are kidnapped by the Daleks, who explain that a planet they use as an asylum for mad Daleks must be destroyed, but to do that its force-field must be disabled.

The field has already been ruptured due to the crash-landing of a precocious young woman, Oswin Oswald (Jenna-Louise Coleman) one year previously.

The Daleks provide the three with bracelets to protect them against the planet's defense system, which will convert any visitors into Dalek puppets. Although they are guided by Oswin, who has hacked into the planet's systems, the converted remains of Oswin's crew steal Amy's bracelet. The Doctor goes to find Oswin, as she claims to be able to disable the planet's force-field, and Oswin hacks into the Dalek defences.

Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (7x02)
The Doctor attempts to prevent the destruction of an unmanned spaceship with a cargo of dinosaurs alongside Rory's father, Brian (Mark Williams), Queen Nefertiti (Riann Steele), and big-game hunter John Riddell (Rupert Graves).

The Doctor and his companions discover that the ship is a Silurian ark designed to carry the reptilian humanoids to a new planet along with flora and fauna from their time period.

The Doctor, Rory, and Brian are escorted by two robots to a human called Solomon who was injured in a raptor attack.

A Town Called Mercy (7x03)
The Doctor accidentally lands in a town in the American West c. 1870 where he discovers an alien, Jex, acting as the town's doctor, who is being sought by the Gunslinger, a cyborg.

The Doctor discovers Jex was a scientist who experimented on volunteers to create cyborgs to fight in a war on his home planet; the Gunslinger is seeking revenge for what was done to him.

To prevent the deaths of the townsfolk, he then offers Jex to the Gunslinger, but can Amy talk him out of this?

The Power of Three (7x04)
Amy and Rory begin to wonder if they should choose between normal life and "Doctor Life"; when they go away with him, they become a part of his life.  Although, the Doctor hasn't been around long enough to be a part of theirs.

However, that all changes when black cubes appear all over the world. Because they are inactive and pose no threat, the Doctor leaves UNIT in charge of keeping an eye on the cubes. An entire year goes by and the cubes suddenly begin activating random features before stopping the hearts of 1/3 of humanity.

NOTE: Appearance of the Brigadier's daughter, Kate Stewart.

Angels Take Manhatten (7x05)
Amy and Rory's final episode takes place in New York City and features the Weeping Angels.

The Doctor takes Amy and Rory to Central Park. While the Doctor reads a "Melody Malone" novel to Amy, Rory is taken by a Weeping Angel on his way back from getting coffee.

In 1938 New York City, Rory meets River Song, posing as a private investigator and as the Doctor discovers, the author of his Melody Malone novel.

The Doctor and Amy use the novel to break their way into a time locked 1938 and find Rory, while he and River investigate the Angels' takeover of Manhattan.


Doctor Who – The Snowmen (Christmas special 2012): Christmas Eve, 1892, and the falling snow is the stuff of fairytales. When the fairytale becomes a nightmare and a chilling menace threatens Earth, an unorthodox young governess, Clara, calls on the Doctor for help. But the Doctor is in mourning, reclusive and determined not to engage in the problems of the universe. As old friends return, will the Doctor really abandon humankind, or will he fight to save the world and Christmas from the icy clutches of this mysterious menace?

Cast List:
Matt Smith - The Doctor (11)
Jenna-Louise Coleman - Clara Oswald

Dan Starkey – Strax (Sontaran)
Neve McIntosh – Madame Vastra (Silurian)
Catrin Stewart – Jenny Flint

Richard E. Grant – Dr Simeon
Sir Ian McKellen – The Great Intelligence

Juliet Cadzow – Voice of the Ice Governess
Tom Ward – Captain Latimer
Liz White – Alice
Joseph Darcey-Alden – Digby
Ellie Darcey-Alden – Francesca
Jim Conway – Uncle Josh
Cameron Strefford – Young Walter
Annabelle Dowler – Walter's Mother
Ben Addis – Bob Chilcott
Daniel Hyde – Lead Worker
Sophie Miller-Sheen – Girl

Matt Smith 2009-2012Jenna-Louise Coleman

Doctor Who – 7v2 (2013): The Doctor kicks off this new run of adventures by searching for his companion Clara – an Impossible Girl he’s already lost twice. Together they find themselves battling monsters on distant alien planets, trapped in a Russian submarine with a deadly passenger, chasing terrifying ghosts, delving into the heart of the TARDIS, facing the Crimson Horror in Victorian Yorkshire, and coming face to face with an army of upgraded Cybermen.

The action grows and the Doctor’s oldest secret threatens to be revealed as the world’s longest running science fiction series builds toward its explosive 50th anniversary in November 2013.

Cast List:
Matt Smith - The Doctor (11)
Jenna-Louise Coleman - Clara Oswald

Matt Smith 2009-2012Jenna-Louise Coleman

The Bells of Saint John (7x06)
"Because it's a surprisingly accurate description"

In the present day, a man named Nabile tells of a dangerous Wi-Fi connection that he claims is stealing human minds, killing them physically but preserving their consciousness. At the end of the monologue, he reveals that he, too, has had his mind stolen and preserved.

Year 1207 Cumbria: a group of monks monitor "the bells of Saint John" are ringing. The Doctor realizes that the caller is Clara, in modern-day London, who is having trouble connecting to a Wi-Fi network. She connects instead to the network mentioned in the opening monologue.

Celia Imrie – Miss Kislet
Robert Whitlock – Mahler
Dan Li – Alexei
Manpreet Bachu – Nabile
James Greene – The Abbot

Danielle Eames – Little Girl
Fred Pearson – Barista
Jade Anouka – Waitress
Olivia Hill – Newsreader
Richard E. Grant – The Great Intelligence

The Rings of Akhaten (7x07)
"The most important leaf in human history"

The Doctor finds Clara's parents, who met by a chance encounter caused by a gust of wind blowing a leaf into her father's face and then later discovers that her mother died while Clara was a teenager.

The Doctor takes Clara to the Rings of Akhaten. There they observe a series of planetoids orbiting a planet, with a shining pyramid on one of them. Clara encounters a little girl who explains that her name is Merry Gejelh, and that she is the Queen of Years.

The Doctor and Clara attend the ceremony, where The Doctor explains that since the Rings were settled there has been a constant song sung to keep an angry god asleep. (See below for lyrics)

Emilia Jones – Merry Gejelh
Michael Dixon – Dave Oswald
Nicola Sian – Ellie Oswald

Chris Anderson – The Chorister
Aidan Cook – The Mummy
Karl Greenwood – Dor'een

Cold War (7x08)
"You attacked me... Martian law dictates the people of this world are forfeit!"

North Pole 1983 - a Soviet submarine: In the ship's cargo hold, there is a block of ice with something inside...

The TARDIS lands in the sub; Clara and the Doctor tumble out, believing that they are in Las Vegas.

They then encounter the Ice Warrior, Grand Marshall Skaldak!

Liam Cunningham - Captain Zhukov
David Warner - Professor Grisenko
Tobias Menzies - Lieutenant Stepashin
Josh O'Connor - Piotr
James Norton - Onegin

Charlie Anson - Belevich
Spencer Wilding - Skaldak
Nicholas Briggs - Voice of Skaldak

Hide (7x09)
"Boo! Hello... I'm looking for a ghost... Ghostbusters!"

The TARDIS lands at Caliburn House to meet a professor and a psychic to track a ghost known as the Witch of the Well.

Emma talks about her psychic powers, and Alec explains the story about the 'Witch of the Well', as they look at previous photos and evidence of the 'ghost'. Clara notices that in each picture, the ghost is in the same position but no one knows why yet.

And for the first time, Clara must fly the TARDIS in-order to save The Doctor from an evil creature.

Dougray Scott – Professor Alec Palmer
Jessica Raine – Emma Grayling
Kemi-Bo Jacobs – Hila
Aidan Cook – The Crooked Man


Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS (7x10)
"1 hour until this ship blows!... My ship! My rules!"

The TARDIS is picked up by an intergalactic salvage crew, accidentally knocking Clara deep into the uncharted areas of the time machine.

Needing help to rescue Clara, the Doctor promises Van Baalen, Bram Van Baalen and Trickey Van Baalen the machine salvage of a lifetime if they help him find Clara.

However, something the Doctor locked up and is now on the loose...!

Ashley Walters - Gregor Van Baalen
Mark Oliver - Bram Van Baalen
Jahvel Hall - Tricky



The Crimson Horror (7x11)
"Time for a new plan... Run!"

Something ghastly is afoot in Victorian Yorkshire, as bodies are found with red skin.

Guest starring Neve McIntosh as Madame Vastra, Dan Starkey as Strax, Catrin Stewart as Jenny, as well as Dame Diana Rigg and her real life daughter Rachael Stirling.

This episode will be seen from Vastra, Jenny and Strax's point of view as they encounter the Doctor on one of their cases.

Diana Rigg – Mrs Gillyflower
Rachael Stirling – Ada
Dan Starkey – Strax
Catrin Stewart – Jenny Flint
Neve McIntosh – Madame Vastra

Eve de Leon Allen – Angie
Brendan Patricks – Edmund & Mr Thursday
Olivia Vinall – Effie
Michelle Tate – Abigail
Jack Oliver Hudson – Thomas Thomas[

Nightmare in Silver (7x12)
"Well.. Here we... Hedgewick’s World!

The biggest - and best - amusement park there will ever be. And we've got a golden ticket!"

Hedgewick’s World Of Wonders was once the greatest theme park in the galaxy, but it’s now the dilapidated home to a shabby showman, a chess-playing dwarf and a dysfunctional army platoon.

When the Doctor, Clara, Artie and Angie arrive, the last thing they expect is the re-emergence of one of the Doctor’s oldest foes. And the Cybermen are back!

Jason Watkins – Webley
Warwick Davis – Porridge
Eve de Leon Allen – Angie
Kassius Carey Johnson – Artie
Tamzin Outhwaite – Captain

Eloise Joseph – Beauty
Will Merrick – Brains
Calvin Dean – Ha-Ha
Zahra Ahmadi – Missy
Aidan Cook - Cyberman
Nicholas Briggs - Voice of the Cybermen

The Name of the Doctor (7x13)
"What kind of an idiot would try to steal a faulty TARDIS?"

Madame Vastra and Jenny learn of a prophecy told by an insane man claiming to have a "secret" about the Doctor and the planet Trenzalore. They hold a "conference call" with Strax, River Song, and Clara Oswald across time and space into a dream realm.

While in the call, Vastra, Jenny, and Strax are attacked by Whisper Men, River forces Strax, Vastra and Clara to wake up. She wakes up back in contemporary London to find the Doctor looking for her.

Will the Doctor survive his own destiny?

Alex Kingston – River Song
Richard E. Grant – Dr Simeon
Neve McIntosh – Madame Vastra
Catrin Stewart – Jenny Flint
Dan Starkey – Strax

David Avery – Fabian
Michael Jenn – Clarence
Samuel Irvine – Messenger Boy
Paul Kasey - Whisper Man
John Hurt – The Doctor

"Lullaby (The Long Song)"

Sleep, my precious king
Lay down
My warrior
Rest now
My hero


Chorister: (repeats)
Lay down
My king
Sleep now eternal
Sleep, my precious king
Lay down

Merry: (repeats)
O God of Akhaten

Rest now your heart...
(song ends abruptly)

Old God
Protect us
Old God, protect us...

Chorister: (repeats)
Don't wake from slumber
Old God, never wake from slumber
Do not wake from slumber, Old God
Do not wake from slumber
Rest your weary holy head and cast out lives asunder
Do not wake from slumber, never wake from slumber
Rest your weary head...

“Wake Up”

Rest now… warrior.
Rest now, hardship is over.
Live. Wake up. Wake up.
And let the cloak, of life – cling to your bones. Cling to your bones.
Wake up, wake up.
Live. Wake up. Wake up.
And let the cloak, of life – cling to your bones. Cling to your bones
Wake up. Wake up!
Live! Wake up! Wake up!
And let the cloak! Of life! Cling to your bones! Cling to your bones!
Wake up! Wake up!
Wake up! Wake up!


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